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the only way you can get in trouble for actually being high is if you are driving a car or riding a bike, cause then you are technically driving under the influence (DUI). it is not illegal to be high per say, but it is illegal to posess the drug.

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i think its 450 kilos

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Q: What are the charges of use of marijuana in Texas?
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The laws of marijuana in texas?

In Texas, marijuana is illegal for recreational use and possession of any amount can result in criminal charges. Medical use of marijuana is restricted to a low-THC cannabis oil for specific medical conditions. Possession of even small amounts of marijuana can lead to fines, imprisonment, and a criminal record in Texas.

What is the Marijuana law in Texas?

In Texas, marijuana is illegal for recreational use. Possession of any amount can result in criminal charges, with penalties ranging from a fine to incarceration depending on the amount possessed. Medical use of low-THC cannabis is allowed for certain qualifying conditions, but the program is limited in scope.

Is marijuana legal in Texas?

No, marijuana is not legal for recreational use in Texas. It is only permitted for limited medical use for patients with certain medical conditions.

How much marijuana can you get caught with to receive federal charges?

Even the littlest amount of marijuana is illegal, if your seen with any marijuana at all you with be put with federal charges.

Is marijuana legal in El Paso?

Other than Medical use, no. Marijuana is not legal in El Paso, Texas thus far.

Can you get a legal prescription for marijuana in Texas?

no you can not bring marijuana to Texas i know bummer but its true people don't get out there and vote for it to be legal

When will the state of Georgia legalize recreational marijuana?

When the state decides to remove the Marijuana-related criminal charges from the statutes.

How many public intoxication charges can you have in Texas?


When will Texas legalize medicinal marijuana?


Is medical marijuana legal in New Jersey?

Possession of marijuana is illegal in New York. If you are arrested for charges relating to possession of marijuana, the penalties you face will often depend on the amount of marijuana in your possession and the intended use. It's best to be safe and enjoy your trip without taking any chances with marijuana.

What are the legal penalties for Hashish?

Depends on where you live, but the penalties are similar to marijuana charges

Was arrested for marijuana Miranda rights not told can the charges be dropped?

If you were taken into custody with the intent to be interrogated then yes, the charges could be dropped.