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What are the beliefs behind alternative medicine?

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Q: What are the beliefs behind alternative medicine?
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How can you use alternative medicine in a sentence?

Here is how you can use alternative medicine in a sentence, "Most herbalists will claim to have alternative medicine." Alternative medicine refers to another option in terms of medication.

Can Ayurveda be included in alternative medicine?

Yes, it is a form of alternative medicine. "Wide use" does not make something not an alternative medicine. To not be an alternative medicine, it has to go through rigourous testing against placebos. Ayurvedic hasn't done this. It, therefore, is scientifically unproven and an alternative medicine.

How does alternative medicine see cancer?

Alternative medicine tends to disagree with conventional medicine about the treatment plans for cancer

How many alternative medicine enthusiasts are there?

There are over 1500 alternative medicine enthusiasts in China.

What type of medicine is homeopathic?

Alternative medicine

CAM What is CAM?

CAM is Complimentary And Alternative medicine

Is reiki considered alternative medicine?

No, it is simply a form of A Japanese healing method. It is alternative healing not medicine

What alternative treatments are there for dysentery?

such alternative systems as traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and Ayurvedic medicine developed treatments for it.

What degree programs will you take in alternative medicine?

There are a range of degree programs to choose from depending on your alternative medicine interest. You can take a look, Indian Board of Alternative Medicine Website courses page for in details.

What alternative medicine is there for dexamethazone?

There is no alternative medicine to the dexamethasone.

Where did alternative medicine originate?

Alternative medicine is basically a folk medicine practiced in various countries & in various civilizations in one form or the other for over centuries.

Does alternative medicine help emphysema?

This is a serious medical condition. You should consult your physician and should not consider 'alternative medicine'.