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Q: What are the Side effects of baygon spray to human?
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Just runny eyes, make sure to wash them out with water though

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No side effects... BUT it should not be taken regularly..

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LED Light is Toxic to the eyes

What are the side effects of using Veramyst Nasal Spray?

Their isn't anything much more than nasal congestion. Aside from pills, nasal sprays are the best way to clear your nasal passages. Unfortunately, nasal sprays such as Veramyst come with some side effects. A few of the side effects include vision problems, head aches and nasal bleeding. Keep in mind, these are side effects that are rarely found to happen.

What are the effets of drugs in human health?

it depends on the type of drug which you are using Every category of drug have its own side effects on human health.

What is the side effects of lime fruit on human being?

There are only positive effects of lime fruit on a human being. Limes are high in antioxidants and vitamin C. They help strengthen the immune system as well.

What are some side effects of Sytropin?

Sytropin is a human growth hormone and you can expect some real side effects from taking it. Common ones include heart trouble, kidney malfunction, and mood swings.

Where can you get reports on the side effects of human growth complex?

Probably FDA or Department of Health. Check their websites.

Are there any medicines that enhance the production of growth hormone in human body without any side effects?

All growth enhancers exhibit negative side effects, many of which will not appear for years. Some can be debilitating.

What is the side effects of telebrix?

There are no apparent side effects when taking Telebrix. It appears to do its job and can do no harm to the human body.