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umm, honestly...

you get really lazy[of course, i mean your stoned, c'mon?]

you can get a mental addiction, where your just irritated because you haven't smoked.

that's about it...

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10y ago

There's a chance of a headache if you accidentally smoke too much stem, your mouth and or eyes may get a little dry, you can feel anxiety or paranoia due to the fear of getting caught, and you could end up in jail if you're caught with it. Many studies have been done on marijuana and still no actual negative side effects have been proven, however it's positive effects are plentiful and backed up by science.

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10y ago

Cannabis does not kill, and it has never killed in recorded history. However, there are some bad things involved with cannabis. For example, it affects your lungs. Contrary to the "one joint equals 10 cigarettes" rumor, it is actually better than smoking a cigarette, simply because of the two ingredient differences. Cannabis contains THC, which opens your lungs, unlike Tobacco which contains nicotine and does the opposite, which constricts your lungs. This is why most tobacco smokers do not cough. Coughing gets rid of the harmful stuff in your body, and THC causes the user to cough. However, this does not mean it is completely safe for your lungs, smoke nonetheless is harmful, it is just a means of how harmful. Cannabis is also widely popular known to affect short term memory. In regards to whether it kills brain cells, that topic in itself is a controversy, however, once your brain is developed, it is scientifically said not to kill brain cells. The popular misconception came around due to a scientific experiment in which they basically gas-masked 3 monkeys, in very high doses of pot, and to my knowledge they did not supply the said monkeys with oxygen while gas masking them with THC, which explains the brain damage (a lack of oxygen kills brain cells). This study has not been replicated by any scientists since, so we can set aside the rumor. The one thing for sure it does affect is your short term memory, If you would enjoy some sources, Google search "soop ca pot brain cells" and it should be the first result - not only does this sum up what I just said, it also provides verifiable sources for each major part mentioned. The sources are the highlighted blue numbers in "[]" and are very much verifiable.

Summed up: It affects your short term memory, it isn't necessarily good for your lungs if inhaled through smoke, and it can be mentally addictive. You will not experience withdrawals, since it is not physically addictive, but beware of falling victim to the mental addictive side of it! It is also not safe to smoke it underage, (under 21, which is the legal age, however the brain does not fully develop until after the age of 25, so if you'd like to be extra safe, you can wait a bit longer) and it does cause a dent in your finances!

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13y ago

Drug dealers sell the drug which come via ships. This would dramatically increase the economic value of such a drug if the country has not legalized it yet.

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13y ago

It is really only how you yourself perceive it. That's your reality.

Smoking Cannabis can sometimes bring about headaches and constant erections.

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Does marijuana have negative effects on memory?

yes marijuana have negative effects because its slowings down your thinking and makes you do dumb things

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the negative effects are it give you a dry mouth and its not a premanet high

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Does marijuana have negative effects?

Some minor temporary negative effects can occur such as dry mouth, dry eyes, feeling sleepy, headache and feeling overly paranoid (scared of getting caught).

What are two possible long-term effects of marijuana use?

There is no conclusive evidence of negative long term side effects associated with the use of marijuana. The euphoric effects of marijuana only last up to three hours.

How does marijuana effects on your hauora?

It effects it positively as it brightens your mood and lessens negative feelings.

What are some negative effects of marijuana on human being?

There are no studies with a reasonable level of validity that suggest any negative effects of marijuana. *however, being a frequent partaker of Mary Jane, I can say that it does in fact have negative effects on the human mind. * it limits your creativity and that is proven by my lack of creativity in the writing of this page. that is not to say it is bad, it should be used instead of any otrher drug.

What is the negative effects of bhang in body?

It has the same effect as marijuana, I think.

What to get high on?

Marijuana is your best bet because there are no negative side effects. Be careful though.

How does marijuana affect the society?

Marijuana can have both positive and negative effects on society. Some potential positive impacts include increased tax revenue, job creation, and potential therapeutic uses. However, high marijuana usage can also lead to issues such as impaired driving, health risks, and potential negative effects on adolescents.

What are some effects of marijuana?

dryness of mouth

What are the side effects of continual use of marijuana?

There are many side effects of continual use of marijuana. Some of the side effects of marijuana are extreme sleepiness, nausea, asthma, and urinary tract infections.