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# Any kind of arts; painting, Photography, music, writing, etc... # Sound technician, light technician # Graphic design # Hairdressing (for the unconventional type of hair and people) # Tattoo and piercing artist # Gardener, nursery owner # Drug dealer # Working with the terminally ill While all of the above are career paths chosen by SOME Marijuana users, there is no proper answer to this question. Most of the jobs listed above require a certain degree of patience, tollerance and open mindedness. Although Marijuana use has been known to increase certain individuals' perception of these traits, it should also be noted that some people posess them naturally. I know plenty of hospice workers who have never smoked anything in their lives! I have known people who use Marijuana who are successfull building-stress analysts, similarly Ive known others who spend all day in bed eating Chocolate Chip Cookies and talking about Magic Gathering cards! It really does depend on what kind of person you are (and to a large extent, how much you smoke the stuff!) Any career choice that takes you down a road you want to be on is a good one. The fact that you smoke Marijuana has no bearing on what kind of jobs you will 1)be good at, and 2)enjoy doing.

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Q: What are some good career choices for marijuana smokers?
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Someone who smokes marijuana regularly may have many of the same respiratory problems that tobacco smokers have. These individuals may have daily cough and phlegm, symptoms of chronic bronchitis, and more frequent chest colds. Continuing to smoke marijuana can lead to abnormal functioning of the lungs and airways. Scientists have found signs of lung tissue injured or destroyed by marijuana smoke.

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What will happen if you smoke cigarettes and marijuana?

Nicotine is more addictive than heroine and marijuana requires larger and larger doses to achieve the same high. Neither is good for you and both habits are expensive. Smokers are becoming second-class citizens because of workplace smoking bans. Drug testing for marijuana will limit the jobs that you can hold. With the current national unemployment rate around 10%, you will be lucky to find a good job even if you are clean.People who argue for the decriminalization of marijuana are those who use...they are too close to the problem to see the down-side and refuse to acknowledge that their problems are the result of the drug usage.