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It is negative by using medication for 2 reasons

1. Alcohol causes brain damage

2. medication is a drug

So it is very dangerous and very near to drinking and doing drugs and can probably kill you in a month or 2 or in a few weeks depending on how strong your body is

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 8y ago

It certainly depends on the medication. Really, if you're sick enough to need medication, you probably shouldn't be drinking anyway because alcohol slows down your body and you don't heal as quickly as you would ordinarily. If you're taking medication that makes you sleepy, alcohol makes that worse and could even make you so relaxed that you stop breathing. Some medication, however, cannot be taken with any alcohol at all. Check with your doctor or pharmacist to be certain.

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Q: What are some Negative health consequences associated with drinking alcohol while using Medication?
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