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Q: What are signs of concussion and how do you begin to treat it?
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Related questions

Can Aleve be taken to treat a concussion?

No. Aleve can not be taken to treat a concussion. When a individual has a concussion he or she has suffered brain trauma. Aleve is for individuals who have a simple head ache or are sick.

How do you treat vomiting caused by a concussion?

get to hospital asap

How long after banging your head will you get signs of concussion?

After the first bang you could get a concussion. I highly recommend against banging your head.

What are signs of a minor concussion?

Dizziness, confusion, nausea, and anal leakage.

Which is the most important reason to be able to recognize the signs and symptoms and to choose to receive treatment for a concussion?

i think its that people should be careful....

What is post concussion syndrome?

Post-concussion syndrome is a condition in which symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, and difficulty with concentration persist for weeks or months after a concussion. It can also include symptoms like irritability, fatigue, and changes in sleep patterns. Treatment may involve rest, cognitive therapy, and medications.

How do you tell if you have a concussion?

Signs of a concussion include headache, dizziness, confusion, nausea, and temporary loss of consciousness. If you suspect you have a concussion after a head injury, it's essential to seek medical attention for proper evaluation and treatment.

What is a double concussion?

A double concussion is a concussion that immediately follows the first concussion, or occurs before the injured party is asymptomatic.

What are the signs and symptoms of a concussion or spinal cord injury?

Symptoms of concussion include drowsyness and vomiting, headache and fainting. Symptoms of a spinal cord injury include numbness of the body, pins and needles, weakness or loss of function in the limbs, reduced respiratory capacity and vomiting.

If you have a concussion can you take Valium?

Can you take Diazepam with concussion.

How do you use concussion in a sentence?

A concussion is an injury to the brain when it hits the skull after a hard hitHumpty Dumpty got a concussion when he fell off the wall. :)I'm afraid he might have a concussion.

What is the term for the condition where a patient repeatedly asks the same question after a head injury?

CONCUSSION A patient who has suffered concussion may exhibit signs of confusion. For example, they may ask the same questions over and over again and appear disorientated. If patients show signs of focal neurological deficits (problems with the nerves that affect specific areas of the face or brain) this may suggest that an area of the brain isn't functioning normally.