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Other than what? Other than too much euphoria? Too much relaxation? Too much poverty? Too much jail? Too much disease?

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Q: What are other than marijuana health risks of injecting drugs?
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How is marijuana different from other drugs?

Marijuana is sometimes smoked with tobacco.

What are the health risks of injecting drugs?

One thing that may happen when injecting drugs is the site may become inflamed and may lead to infection. Also if use the same site over and over again it may become hardened and unable to take the acceptance of drugs. This usually is an irreversible effect. The other risk is if you share needles theres a huge risk of HIV and Hepatitis.

Which method of taking adderall is most effective snorting or injecting?

Any use of drugs other than that prescribed by your physician is dangerous to your health. So, neither use you have asked about is the most effective.

Does marijuana harm you?

Yes, but not as much as other drugs, however, it is sometimes called a "gateway" drug. Users of marijuana may be more likely to abuse other, more harmful drugs.

Mixing marijuana with another drug?

Marijuana is usually safe to mix with other drugs, if you are experienced with both.

Is marijuana addictin?

Marijuana is not addictive in the way that other drugs are. Instead it is psychologically addicting. Which means that your brain thinks you need it when you don't. The only time it is physically addictive is when it is laced with other drugs

What is the impact of mixing marijuana with other drugs?

Your mom with your ad in bed

Did Cyndi Lauper take drugs?

Yes, during her younger years. Cyndi experimented with marijuana and other drugs.

Does marijuana increase your chances of psychosis?

No. Marijuana is guaranteed to do exactly the opposite unless someone adds other drugs to it.

What are alternates of marijuana?

Kinda vague. Like other drugs or other activities. Go drink or something.

Why do some people believe that marijuana use leads to hard drug use?

Because somebody told them so. It's not uncommon for people who smoke marijuana to be exposed to harder drugs due to the fact that drug dealers sometimes sell other drugs as well as marijuana. However, most people say no to the other drugs as the marijuana is better and has no negative effects as opposed to unnatural things that can mess people up.

Does marijuana increase your knowledge?

No, it's the opposite. Marijuana and other drugs actually "dumb down" the brain and make you less likely to be smarter.