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Q: What are not example of sensitive item?
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What government issue item did sensitive GI's dub sandpaper?

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What is the analogy of prize it is item?

it is item becuase for example,job is to task as prize is to.......item

Is the noun item a concrete noun?

The noun 'item' is a concrete noun when it refers to something concrete, for example, an item of clothing, an item of jewelry, an item on sale, etc.The noun 'item' is an abstract noun when it refers to something abstract, for example, an item of interest, an item of gossip, an item of importance, etc.

What is the prefix for sensitive?

The prefix for "sensitive" is "in-" or "non-". For example, "insensitive" means lacking sensitivity, and "nonsensitive" means not easily affected or offended.

Is item an abstract noun?

The noun 'item' is a word for a thing.The noun 'item' is an abstract noun when it refers to something abstract, for example, an item of interest, an item of gossip, an item of importance, etc.The noun 'item' is a concrete noun when it refers to something concrete, for example, an item of clothing, an item of jewelry, an item on sale, etc.

Consumers' willingness to replace a costly item with a less costly item is an example of what?


What is an example of a infringing item?

Its a very small item u use 4 cooking

Is example an adjective?

No. The word example is a noun (instance, representative item).

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Which of these is NOT an example of sensitive information

What happens if its not in a warm place?

If the item is sensitive to temperature and is not stored in a warm place, it may be negatively affected. For example, certain foods can spoil more quickly, electronics may not function properly, and plants or pets may become stressed or uncomfortable. It's important to follow specific temperature guidelines to ensure the well-being of the item.

Is reading the contents of a file delay sensitive or bandwidth sensitive?

When reading the contents of a _le from a remote server the decision to use either delay sensitive or bandwidth sensitive is dependant on the size of the file. For example small _les would be delay sensitive, while large _les are de_nitely bandwidth sensitive.

What are Sensitive and Non-Sensitive Messages - explain with examples?

Sensitive messages are those that contain confidential or private information, such as personal identification numbers or medical records. For example, an email containing credit card details is a sensitive message. Non-sensitive messages are those that do not contain confidential information and can be shared freely. For example, a general announcement about a company event is a non-sensitive message.