Greenies was one of the names people called World War 2 refugees when they emmigrated to countries. I think it was mainly used when the orphaned refugee cildrem emmigrated to Canada in late 1940's
The Greenies was created on 1970-12-06.
New in country.
Frequent consumption of Greenies may cause gastrointestinal upset in some dogs due to their high fiber content and potential for causing blockages. If your dog is vomiting up whole chunks of Greenies, it may be best to consider limiting their intake or choosing a different type of treat that is easier on their digestive system. Make sure to monitor your dog for any signs of distress or continued vomiting and consult with your veterinarian if needed.
Give it Greenies there for dogs but u can get the mini's
Because the Greenies think that global warming is happening & that we need to "save the earth".
because the license plates are green and because coloradans tend to care more about the enviroment.
Yes. It is a fictional account of teenage Jewish refugees who were sent to Canada during the Holocaust.
Greenies Big House of Fun A motto could be: "Come to our store and spend less green."
Try a brand of treats called "greenies". They are available in versions for both dogs and cats.
having the teeth cleaned by the vet helps immensely (personal experience here..) also there are products you can put in their water that also helps a lot. only give your dog greenies if your dog doesnt wolf treats and bones down, if so, have fun spending a lot of money getting the greenies removed from his intestines! (worked at the vet..) CET chews are supposed to help a lot too, but i havent personally used them. they have bones like greenies, and also have rawhides, and toothpaste AND the water additive. all available at your vet!
Some popular brands of cat treats in tube packaging include Temptations, Greenies, and Hartz.
Australia produces around 7 473 084 kg of plastic a year. I hope all those greenies out knows this