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newspaper, aluminum cans, most plastic cans, cardboard boxes, and bottles

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Q: What are five products you regularly use that can be recycled?
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What companies use recycled products?


What are the five products you regularly use that cn be recyclded?

boxes plastic bags aluminum cans plastic bottles newspapers

If you are trying to care for the environment would you use products made from recycled paper?

Yes, because the more we use recycled paper, the less we chop down trees in the rainforest.

What textile Products which are made from recycled products?

You know the snow that is in movies? Well, they grind up milk jugs and use the plastic for the snow!!

Are membership cards printed on recycled material?

From what I have understood of this company yes. All of their products have the right to claim that they use recycled material to produce their product. They seem to make various items and all of these items are made from recycled material.

What Parts or Products in a Car Can Be Recycled?

Many car parts can be recycled, thus decreasing the need to manufacture more of the same parts. Recycling facilities will take most car parts and either resell them or break them down to use them to create new products. Local government offices can provide information on where to purchase recycled parts.

How do you get a whiter teeth?

Brush, floss, and use mouthwash regularly. You can also try whitening products.

What are five study habits?

Do it regularly Be in a quiet place Take regular breaks Use a highlighter Use "flash cards"

How should a make a 1 foot tall scarecrow out of recycled material for a class project?

really anything out of the trash can be considered recycled material since you are using it again. straw can also be considered recycled material. if you really want to use commonly known recycled material. you and form a scarecrow out of recycled paper and string made from recycled fibers. alot of products you see in the store will clearly state if they are made from recycled material or not.

How are recycled products better than original products?

Recycled does not necessarily mean a better product but by re-using materials that would otherwise go to landfills or by using less raw materials (like trees or oils), it is better for the environment. Recycled materials use less energy to process, too--saving resources and putting less greenhouse gases in the air.

Can terylene be recycled?

Yes, terylene, which is a type of polyester, can be recycled. Polyester can be broken down and then processed into new polyester fibers for use in making new products. Recycling polyester helps to reduce waste and conserves resources.

Why is it better to use recycled tissue than non recycled tissue?

Non-Recycled tissues. think about where they've been