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I had an ex boyfriend that used to take xanax, and every time he didn't have it he would just go crazy......The withdrawal symptoms causes you to have a very short temper,insomnia,nervousness,and loss of appetite and many more that i can not think of right now.

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15y ago
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14y ago

Cold Sweats, Hot Sweats, Hardcore Shaking, Body Tremors, Muscle Constriction & Spasms, Headaches, Lack of Coordination, Vision Impairment, Irritability, Seizures, Heart Palpitations and/or Heart Attack, Vivid Dreams & Nightmares, Insomnia, Fast Heart Rate, Rapid Breathing, Anxiety Attacks, Mood Swings, Fear of Dying (cause you feel like you are going to because the withdrawals are that horrific! & if you Cold Turkey it You just might- scary thought huh!), Lack of Appetite, Dehydration, Muscle Aches (bad), Painful Urination from being dehydrated (xanax dehydrates you), Obsessing about it around the clock (you will think of nothing else but how bad you want to feel normal again), Vomiting, Diarrhea, Sensitivity to Light, Indigestion at its Worst, Clinching your Jaw Until Your Whole Face Aches, Grinding Your Teeth When you Attempt Sleep...etc etc etc.....

AND- Imagine feeling all this simultaneously. Not Fun!

Best Advice- DONT TAKE IT if you haven't already. But if you are taking it and you want off, get you doc to wean you off SLOWLY ( I cant emphasize that enough) and it will take months of feeling like total crap... -if you think you can just 'cold turkey' it... Ha! Trust me I tried! And this is just a short list of what I experienced- --aside of the 'heart attack and seizures' (Thank GOD!) but only because Im weaning off "very slowly" over the next few months by my doctor. (yes it takes MONTHS of feeling like this, but it does get better each week.. sorta. Im only on week 2...).

Basically just dont even take the drug. Best advice I can give you. Find another way to fix your anxiety. Once you wean off, after the 3-6 months it takes you to get through it- your never going to want to touch the stuff ever again.

Yes it works for calming panic attacks, yes it relaxes you and you feel wonderful.. but look at the price you pay.. you weigh out the pro's and con's.


Someone who is going though getting it out of their system after 4 mg a day for 3 years straight and 15 years off and on.

-last time i will ever take it- its not worth it... imagine a 3 month hangover from hell.

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12y ago

I was on xanax for 7 years. My doctor started me out at 0.5 mg and a couple years later, I was up to 2 mg and I would take 3-4 at a time. I was out of control. I was taking up to 15 2mg xanax a day. I decided that I didn't want to live my life in a way that I couldn't remember anything that I was doing. I would lose days and not know what happened at all. So, I did quit. I only tapered off the last 4 days. I made my last pill last 4 days. Then the withdrawal started. I didn't sleep for 5 days. I was shaking and had little convulsions. I would sweat and I was very cranky. I've been off of them for over a month now. I would not recommend stopping the xanax the way I did. The headaches were the worst. Getting off of them was the worst feeling I have ever had in my life. It's a very dangerous drug and it's not worth it to take them at all. I do have anxiety but over the last month I have found other ways to deal with it. The breathing exercises really do help. After 7 years of abusing that drug in such a way, I am so happy to be free. Some days I do feel like I've lost my best friend and I do think about how life seemed easier when I was high. But then I realize how much better my life is now. I can actually feel things and I can remember what happened to be the day before. Sober is a wonderful feeling.

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9y ago

Most common is seizures. Insomnia, weight loss, paranoia, derealization, agitation, flushed feeling, these are most common.

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Nope. If a person is dependent upon Benzodiazapines (sp?) such as xanax and is suddenly forced to stop taking them, the withdrawals can be just as dangerous, if not worse, than alcohol withdrawals. Serious cases usually require hospitalization.

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Like all benzodiazepines, Xanax is physically addictive, so, heavy users may experience physical withdrawal symptoms. However, speaking from personal experience, I don't think you will get withdrawal symptoms from taking 2mgs a day for three months. I think you have to be using a lot more than that, to get withdrawals. Six years ago I bought a whole bunch of Xanax online, and started taking 10mgs of it a day. After like 6 months, I ran out of it, and I didn't notice any withdrawal symptoms.

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First of all, Marijuana isn't even addictive...that being shouldn't even have withdrawals in the first place. Secondly, the only substance withdrawal that can kill you is alcohol and Benzos (Xanax, Valium, etc.)

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yes withdraw symptoms are dangerous to your baby, some withdraws are more dangerous than others, like xanax, you can take siezures from withdraws. it is all bad but i guess some are worst than others, according what you are withdrawing from?

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Are all antidepressants like Xanax?

Xanax is not an antidepressants; antidepressants are not like Xanax.

Is Xanax an amphatamine?

NO xanax is a benzodiasipan