they could be circle or oblong shape Watson 949 is a circle pill that is 10 mg and the oblong pills could be yellowish or white with 10/325 on one side
They are a light yellow, oblong-shaped
Is 4847
the shape is oblong and the color is brown and white
PT A515 - White Oblong Pill
Neurontin also known as Gabapentin.
It's Percocet 7.5 mg.
The easiest way is to look at the leaves. Both red and white have oblong, 2 lobe, and 3 lobed leaves. White will have a lot of 2 and 3 lobe leaves and the red will have almost exclusivly the regular oblong leaves (except when they're young).
Yes the word oblong can be a noun. It is something with an oblong shape.
white. Your pharmacist will have a book listing the shapes and colours of various tablets.
Generic pill for Doan's (The Backache Pill)