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Q: What antibiotics are good for bacterial infections?
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Can control bacterial infections?


Why antibiotics could not kill the virus?

Antibiotics are used to fight bacterial infections not viral infections.

Can antibiotics treat bacterial infections?


What can antibiotics also cure?

Antibiotics can cure all types of bacterial infections.

What type of illness can be treated with antibiotics?

Only bacterial infections they are not effective for viral infections.

Antibiotics for chronic sinus?

Antibiotica are only good for bacterial infections. Colds and similar are usually caused by viruses, and aren't cured by antibiotics.

What diseases are treated with antibiotics?

Antibiotics are used to treat bacterial infections such as strep throat, urinary tract infections, and bacterial pneumonia. They are not effective against viral infections like the common cold or flu.

Why do antibiotics do not help teat viral infections?

Antibiotics treat bacterial infections, they have no affect on viruses. Vaccinations treat viruses.

Can antibiotics be prescribed by a physician to treat both viral and bacterial infections?

only bacterial

What type of drugs use ageist bacterial infections?


What kind of infections do antibiotics fight?

Antibiotics fight bacterial infections, antibiotics do not fight all bacterial infections however, they generally fight one of two types of bacteria (gram negative and gram positive). Antibiotics have no effect on viral infections or parasites, but they are sometimes prescribed with a viral infection to prevent a bacterial superinfection - when you get a bacterial infection because your immune system was weakened by the viral infection first. Antibiotics have saved more lives than those lost in any war but overusing them or not finishing a course can lead to the evolution of resistant bacteria which can no longer be killed by antibiotics.

What types of illnesses do antibiotics cure?

Antibiotics only cure bacterial infections. Antibiotics will not cure a viral infection.