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when you are 5 years old

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Q: What age do you have to be to buy condoms from the pharmacy?
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What is the age restriction to by condoms?

There is no age restrictions on purchasing condoms. Head to your local grocery store, convenience store, Walmart etc and they will be in the pharmacy section.

What age to buy condoms in Ireland?


What age can you buy from a pharmacy?


How old do you have to be to buy birth control in Indiana?

You can get condoms and you don't have to be a certain age to buy them. Teens of any age can buy condoms from a drugstore, pharmacy, grocery store, or even online. A pack of twelve condoms costs about $12.You can get condoms for free or at a reduced cost from health clinics (like Planned Parenthood), HIV testing centers, and local health departments. (Call 1-800-230-PLAN (7526) for the nearest Planned Parenthood Health Center.)More information in the related link below.

What is the legal age to buy condoms in Alabama?

There is not one, kids of any age can purchase condoms is drugstores, pharmacies, etc.

How old do you have to be to buy condoms in California?

11 years of age

How old to buy condoms?

There is no age limit to purchase condoms. In fact, it is federally illegal for any stores to withhold contraception from anyone based on age.

Can you sell condoms to an 11 year old?

yea, but the kid can buy them too, there is no age limit on buying condoms.

How old can you be to get contraceptives?

any age. u can buy condoms everywhere

Were can a 12year old male buy a box of condoms?

Anywhere that sells them. There is no age restriction on condoms. Note that most local health departments will give you condoms for free.

Where do you get good condoms?

If you don't know where to buy condoms, you must try out any good super market and you will find this in wellness section. There is possibility that sometimes these are out of stock. In that case you must get it in any pharmacy store. Some places you also get in vending machines. I'm not sure if you are aware; since you posed this question. Condoms are gadgets for contraception. It is popular among all age groups.

What section is the condoms at?

By the Pharmacy and the medications, like birth control