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Americanos and regular coffee have about the same amount of caffeine, which is more than any other drinks such as lattes, frappucinos, teas, etc. You can add extra shots to any drinks...I'd say a black eye (regular coffee with 2 shots of espresso) would be your best bet.

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Q: What Starbucks drink has the most caffeine?
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How many milligrams of caffeine in a Starbucks double shot espresso drink?

10 milligrams

Does Starbucks refreshers have caffeine?

no it actually dosent

What are the best Starbucks drinks for 11 year olds?

Starbucks drinks are not really dangerous; it's just that most of them contain high doses of caffeine. Not every parent wants their kids to drink caffeinated drinks because these drinks are not necessarily good for a growing young person's health. But some Starbucks drinks do not contain much caffeine, or you can get them made with decaffeinated coffee. Many people of all ages like the Frappuccino, which comes in such flavors as caramel, mocha, coffee, and vanilla.

How is caffeine taken?

Orally (you drink it)

How much is a small refresher at Starbucks?

Caffeine is a conspiracy theory.

What is Nick Jonas' favorite drink from Starbucks?

Nick's favorite drink from Starbucks is a green tea fruppicino.

Are the Jonas brothers relly on caffeine?

Yes. They LOVE caffeine. They say themselves that they think they are addicted to it. Kevin even has a Starbucks "radar". He'll say, "Two miles to Starbucks", and he'll be right!

What is the Jonas Brother's favorite energy drink?

It's a Starbucks multi-chocolate clues

Do all energy drinks have caffeine in them?

yes it is true that the energy drink have caffeine in it. The quantity of caffeine is vary from brand to brand and drink to drink.

Which energy drink has more caffeine?

I personaly have found that the cocaine drink has the most so far Lonewolfe

Which energy drink is fatal?

None are fatal. Having too many too fast can cause health problems. While "Noname" formerly "Cocaine" energy drink has 300% more caffeine than Redbull it is still not as strong as a Starbucks.

How much does A caffeine free latte cost at Starbucks?

The cost of a caffeine free latte cost about $7.00 at Star Bucks.