A hairline fracture does not necessarily produce swelling, It will be painful, however.
severe pain and swelling.
The symptoms of a stress fracture include swelling, pain, and tenderness. If the pain decreases with rest, but increases with use it is possible there is a stress fracture.
Signs of a hand fracture may include pain, swelling, bruising, deformity, and difficulty moving the hand. It is important to get a medical evaluation, including an X-ray, to confirm a fracture and determine the appropriate treatment.
The hematoma does usually form at the fracture site. This will generally appear as a bruised area with a lot of swelling.
Yes an ice pack.
This question is in the wrong category (Body Piercings).
Pain, swelling, unbearable pain while pressure is applied.
Some signs of a fractured bone include swelling, bruising, deformity, pain, and loss of function. If it is an open fracture, the bone might be seen protruding from the skin.
a condition characterized by inappropriate pain which the side affects are tissue swelling and joint stiffness
it reduces the swelling