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What must a mortgage holder do when the person with the mortgaged house dies without a will?

File a claim against the decedent's estate. If the mortgage was recorded in the land records it must be paid before the property can be sold.

If items are sold before probate do they have to be returned?

It is not necessary to return items sold before probate. But there must be a full accounting and all monies put to the estate.

What type of attorney can place a judgment lien?

The creditor must obtain a judgment lien from the court. They must sue the debtor and if they win they can request a judgment lien from the court. The lien can be recorded in the land records and the debtor's property cannot be mortgaged or sold until the lien is paid.The creditor must obtain a judgment lien from the court. They must sue the debtor and if they win they can request a judgment lien from the court. The lien can be recorded in the land records and the debtor's property cannot be mortgaged or sold until the lien is paid.The creditor must obtain a judgment lien from the court. They must sue the debtor and if they win they can request a judgment lien from the court. The lien can be recorded in the land records and the debtor's property cannot be mortgaged or sold until the lien is paid.The creditor must obtain a judgment lien from the court. They must sue the debtor and if they win they can request a judgment lien from the court. The lien can be recorded in the land records and the debtor's property cannot be mortgaged or sold until the lien is paid.

When is CGS recorded at credit side?

when the goods are sold , then the cost of goods sold is recorded at the credit side of the purchase ledger

Can a recorded lien be sold or assigned?

Yes. It can be sold and then an assignment of the lien must be recorded in the land records so that anyone checking the title to the property can contact the lien holder. If mortgages are not properly assigned as of "record" and the owner by an unrecorded assignment forecloses that foreclosure may be deemed defective.

Must home be sold to pay estate debt?

If there are no other funds then the property must be sold to pay debts. The debts of the decedent must be paid before any property can be distributed to the heirs. If the heirs want to keep the house then they must get together and pay the debts.

How old must scotch be before it can be sold in the UK?

Blended - no limit Single Malt - 8 years

Will having a lien prevent the purchase of a home?

Yes. A lien must be paid off before a property can be sold or mortgaged. In the case of a sale, the buyer's attorney will make certain the lien is paid from the proceeds of the sale before the buyer takes title.Yes. A lien must be paid off before a property can be sold or mortgaged. In the case of a sale, the buyer's attorney will make certain the lien is paid from the proceeds of the sale before the buyer takes title.Yes. A lien must be paid off before a property can be sold or mortgaged. In the case of a sale, the buyer's attorney will make certain the lien is paid from the proceeds of the sale before the buyer takes title.Yes. A lien must be paid off before a property can be sold or mortgaged. In the case of a sale, the buyer's attorney will make certain the lien is paid from the proceeds of the sale before the buyer takes title.

What forms are cephalosporin medications sold in?

These medicines are available only with a physician's prescription. They are sold in tablet, capsule, liquid, and injectable forms.

How do you pursue a property lien?

For real property the lien must be recorded in the land records. The property cannot be sold or refinanced until the lien is paid. If you want to take possession of the property you should consult with the sheriff or an attorney who specializes in representing creditors.For real property the lien must be recorded in the land records. The property cannot be sold or refinanced until the lien is paid. If you want to take possession of the property you should consult with the sheriff or an attorney who specializes in representing creditors.For real property the lien must be recorded in the land records. The property cannot be sold or refinanced until the lien is paid. If you want to take possession of the property you should consult with the sheriff or an attorney who specializes in representing creditors.For real property the lien must be recorded in the land records. The property cannot be sold or refinanced until the lien is paid. If you want to take possession of the property you should consult with the sheriff or an attorney who specializes in representing creditors.

What time is last lotto sold?

You must buy your ticket before 7:30 on the day the drawing of the numbers is made.

Can a house that was willed to someone be sold by the estate attorney even if the new owners want to do as they please with it?

The answer depends on the details. For example, if there are debts to pay and no cash, the property must be sold to satisfy the debts. A decedent's debts must be paid before any property can be distributed. In that case, the heirs can purchase it from the estate, thereby providing the funds to pay the debts.The answer depends on the details. For example, if there are debts to pay and no cash, the property must be sold to satisfy the debts. A decedent's debts must be paid before any property can be distributed. In that case, the heirs can purchase it from the estate, thereby providing the funds to pay the debts.The answer depends on the details. For example, if there are debts to pay and no cash, the property must be sold to satisfy the debts. A decedent's debts must be paid before any property can be distributed. In that case, the heirs can purchase it from the estate, thereby providing the funds to pay the debts.The answer depends on the details. For example, if there are debts to pay and no cash, the property must be sold to satisfy the debts. A decedent's debts must be paid before any property can be distributed. In that case, the heirs can purchase it from the estate, thereby providing the funds to pay the debts.