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hi, i came off seroxat and then found CITA who are a free helpline so give them a ring 0151 281 5496, good luck

No man, there will be no difference. It is the exact same thing, just made by another manufacturer. Weaning off Paroxetine is tough, just do it slowly. Good luck.

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Q: Weaning off paroxetine I have been on the BRAND NAME Paxil for the past ten years. I have tried un-sucessfully to wean off three times. Is weaning off paroxetine any easier I know it's generic?
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What are the possible consequences of weaning before 17 weeks?

What are the possible consequences of weaning before 17 weeks?

Can a kitten get sick from weaning?

don't no

Where can one find more information on weaning babies?

Information on weaning babies can easily be found. A few well-known sites include BabyCenter, KidsHealth, Baby Led Weaning, and also the well-read site, Breastfeeding Basics.

What is pig weaning?

taking it away from the mom

What is the name of a post weaning cow?

Quechua Oblongata

What is a Holstein calf's weaning weight?

65 lbs

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What is the weaning weight for a pig?

The weaning weight for a pig typically ranges from 12 to 30 pounds, depending on breed, genetics, and feeding practices. Weaning weight is an important indicator of the piglet's growth and development during the lactation period.

What is the beefmasters weaning weights ranged to?

depends on how big his cook is

What is the weaning age of a cow?

Cows are typically weaned between 6 to 8 months of age. Weaning involves separating the calf from its mother and transitioning it to solid food. The exact age of weaning may vary depending on factors such as breed, management practices, and nutritional needs.

What is an ablactation?

Ablactation is the process of weaning a child or animal off breast milk or a mother's milk onto solid food or another source of nutrition. It is a gradual transition typically done when the infant is ready to consume other types of food.

What are the importance of weaning?

Weaning is important to help infants transition from breastfeeding or formula to solid foods, ensuring they receive adequate nutrition for growth and development. It also helps develop their oral motor skills and allows them to explore new tastes and textures. Additionally, weaning promotes independence and self-feeding skills in young children.