It can, is very toxic to dogs. It just depends on the dog's size. If your dog got into Soma, take him or her to your Veterinarian immediately. Keep the human medications away from your dog.
Visit your veterinarian before giving anything to your dog besides dog food, dog treats and water.
He began to see it as harmful, rather than fun. His opinoins changed when he brought Linda and her son back from the reservation and he saw her kill herself with the soma.
Any dog can kill any other dog.
How does Rainsford kill Zaroff's dog?
Shooting somas is not recommended. It is an unsafe medical practice. It is a muscle relaxant and does not make you high.
How to Kill Your Neighbor's Dog was created in 2000.
how much antifreeze is needed to kill a dog
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The dog's name in "To Kill a Mockingbird" was Tim Johnson.
NO DOG SHOULD EVER KILL!!!!!!!! if you are trying to train a dog to kill rabit or small animals used for food then it just requires training.
the can kill them