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decrease the activity of cyclic GMP phosphodiesterase in the smooth muscle cells of the penile blood vessels

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Q: Viagra is effective in treating erectile dysfunction because this drug will?
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What is erectile dysfunction impotence Does it effect fertility problems?

Erectile dysfunction, also known as impotence, is an inability to get an erection that is good enough to achieve intercourse. The severity of erectile dysfunction can vary from complete lack of erection, to a partial erection that is not enough to penetrate your partner or is lost soon after you penetrate. Although erectile dysfunction is typically more common among older men, it can occur at any age. Erectile dysfunction can cause male infertility because it interrupts or prevents intercourse. In order to conceive a child, sperm must be delivered to your partner's egg during intercourse. Thus, problems that prevent or interrupt intercourse, cause the inability to deliver sperm to the egg and lead to infertility. Having an erectile dysfunction does not mean you are infertile.

How can Kamagra help in Erectile Dysfunction?

According to its manufacturer, Kamagra can be used to treat erectile dysfunction effectively. This is because Kamagra contains the active ingredient sildenafil which increases the blood to flow to the manhood helping you get and maintain it state if you're aroused.

Why do married men with erectile dysfunction have affair?

If a man single or married has erectile dysfunction then unless he is on medication such as 'Viagra' then he wouldn't be able to 'get it up' so an affair would not likely happen unless on medication. If the man is on medication and resolved his problem he may feel frisky and feel he needs to prove his manhood by having an array of women or at least one woman in his life. Not all men cheat on their wives just because they have erectile dysfunction.

Can a man with erectyl dysfunction have children?

Yes, a man with erectile dysfunction can have children because it's the sperm that fertilizes the egg. The key would be to figure out how to get the sperm to the egg. If medications or counseling don't fix the dysfunction then artificial insemination would be necessary.

Why don't want sweets or desserts any more?

Because then you can suffer from diabetes and men who suffer from diabetes have a higher risk from suffering from erectile dysfunction.

How do you treat erectile dysfunction without medicine?

Treating erectile dysfunction without medicine may involve lifestyle changes such as regular exercise, maintaining a healthy weight, reducing stress, and addressing any underlying health conditions like high blood pressure or diabetes. Additionally, therapies like counseling, pelvic floor exercises, and using devices like vacuum erection devices or penile implants may also be helpful. It is important to consult with a healthcare provider to determine the most appropriate treatment plan for individual needs.

Can Guinness beer cause erectile dysfunction?

Yes from personal experience I believe that this particular beer does cause 'performance' issues. I personally have managed to 'satisfy' my partner every single time except when I have Guinness.. I really would like more testing done though because I have stopped having this veer for a while now

What medication is effective in treating osteoporosis because of its estrogen like properties?

selective estrogen receptor modulators

How does a marriage survive after a husband has lied to his wife about his erectile dysfunction before marriage?

Although this is a difficult issue remember your husband could not have had erectile dysfunction when you were dating him or engaged or you may not have married him. Certain diseases such as strokes; heart attacks and certainly diabetes can lower the libido of men as can some medications. Males have a difficult time dealing with erectile dysfunction and feel less of a man because of it. Get your mind straight and out of the box of feeling that your husband has lied to you. Your husband may have not understood what his problems were and thought his problem would go away if he was with someone he loved. Men have a difficult time seeking help for such problems and find it extremely embarrassing to see a doctor. However, it is up to you to love him enough to be patient; stop blaming him for lying and see your family physician because there are medications to help this problem.

Is mint good for asthma?

yes, mint is bad for asthma and causes conjecture in the lungs and heart. The aorta and ventricles open up because of this. ALSO mint is not good for Men as it causes Erectile Dysfunction in early stages of Manhood..!!

Is macaroni and cheese effective for treating a zombie bite?

There is no way to know because there is no such thing as a ''Zombie bite'' To this date

How do you properly use Viagra?

IF you have legitimate erectile dysfunction you take one tablet 30 to 60 minutes before sex. You can take one tablet every 24 hours because that's how long it lasts in your body. If you don't have real erectile trouble and are just trying it to see what it's like, don't - it is harmful to take drugs without a medical reason.