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Kava Second most popular pain reliever in Germany is Kava? Kava extract is marketed as herbal medicine against stress, insomnia, and anxiety, not as a pain killer. Kava is banned in Switzerland, France, Germany and The Netherlands. Reference http:/ .

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Q: The second most popular pain reliever in Germany after aspirin?
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If a veterinarian has advised you of a course of treatment, why are you second-guessing him? Do what the vet said. But make sure that it really is aspirin and not some other pain reliever; cats are a lot more sensitive to some pain medications than people are and a dose of, say, Tylenol that would be fine for a human will easily kill a cat, even adjusting for the body weight difference.

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I would say that the second most popular cheese is mozzarela, and the first most popular is cheddar.

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