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Q: The lazy eye syndrome is a type of strabismus called?
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When your workers are lazy which type of leadership style to use?

they don't do anything which are called lazy people

What is Asperger's syndrome sometimes called?

Aspergers Syndrome can be called: Aspergers, High-Functioning Autism, or you could just call it Autism, because it's a type of Autism.

What is the medical term for being cross-eyed?

Esotropia is the name for crossed eyes.The condition of having eyes that don't align properly is strabismus or heterotropia. Esotropia is one type of strabismus. In exotropia, the eyes don't cross, but instead one seems to point outward.Strabismus and Tropia both mean crossed eyes.Strabismus is an abnormal deviation of the eye or cross-eyed.StrabismusEsotropia

What is STSS?

A new type of toxic shock syndrome is caused by a different bacterium, called Group A streptococcus.

What does the ophthalmologist mean when he says your daughter has xt?

Exotropia - a type of squint (not a layman's term squint, but a strabismus - Google it). All the best.

Was there a flavor of boones farm called lazy days and easy night?

Type your answer here... MELLOW DAYS & EASY NIGHTS

What did William perkins invent?

It's Perkin, not Perkins, and he invented a type of synthetic dye called mauveine. It right on wikipedia, lazy.

Down syndrome is usually caused by an extra copy of what chromosome?

Down syndrome occurs because of the extra chromosome on chromosome 21. If you go onto google images and type in karyotype of Down syndrome, you will find a picture of the extra chromosome. Instead of having two chromosomes on chromosome 21, there is an extra. Type your answer here...

Can you write a sentence using the word syndrome?

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Deletion Mutation causes DiGeorges Syndrome.

What was Vascular type EDS called?

The Vascular type of Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS) used to be called EDS Type IV. It is characterized by fragile blood vessels, increased risk of organ rupture, and easy bruising. It is caused by a mutation in the COL3A1 gene, which is responsible for producing collagen type III.

Can a baby get shaken baby syndrome from earthquake?

No, shaken baby syndrome is caused by intentional shaking of an infant, typically by a caregiver. Earthquakes do not cause shaken baby syndrome.