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Center of gravity is the average position of the distribution of the weight of an object. For objects near the earth's surface, center of gravity is the same location as center of mass. This is because weight and mass are proportional.

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Q: The average position of the distribution of the weight of an object is?
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Related questions

How the centre of gravity of irregular objects measure?

The center of gravity of irregular objects can be measured by hanging the object freely and observing where it balances perfectly. Another method is to calculate the average position of the weight distribution in each dimension. Computer software can also be used to model the object and determine its center of gravity.

What is in the center of gravity?

The center of gravity is the point where the weight of an object is evenly distributed in all directions. It represents the average position of all the mass in the object.

What is an objects center of mass?

An object's center of mass is the point at which all of its mass can be considered to be concentrated. It is the average position of all the mass in the object, where the object's weight can be considered to act as if it were concentrated.

Does the capacity to lift varies greatly with the horizontal position of the load which is determined largely by the shape of the object being lifted?

Yes, the capacity to lift can vary significantly based on the horizontal position of the load due to the leverage and balance involved. The shape and distribution of weight of the object being lifted can affect the stability and ease of lifting, impacting the capacity to safely handle the load. It is important to consider the shape and weight distribution of the object to determine the optimal lifting technique and avoid injury.

What is weight balance?

Weight balance refers to the distribution of weight within an object or system to ensure stability and proper functioning. Achieving weight balance is important in various applications, such as in vehicle design to improve handling and safety, or in architecture to ensure structural integrity. It involves considering the position and amount of weight in relation to the object's center of gravity.

An objects weight depends on its in the universe?

An object's weight depends on the gravitational force acting on it. Weight is a measure of the force of gravity on an object, and it varies depending on the strength of the gravitational field. This means that an object's weight can change depending on its location in the universe.

Is the mass of an object fixed?

No, the mass of an object is constant and does not change unless matter is added or removed from the object.

What do you feel when you shake an object to and fro?

Shaking an object to and fro can create a sense of movement, vibration, and change in weight distribution. It may also produce a sound depending on the object being shaken.

What are the three conditions why object float and sink?

Buoyancy force: When the weight of an object is less than the weight of the fluid it displaces, the object will float. Density: An object will sink if its density is greater than the density of the fluid it is placed in. Surface tension: Objects with uneven weight distribution may float or sink based on how surface tension interacts with them.

What energy depends on mass or weight?

Gravitational potential energy depends on mass or weight. It is the energy associated with an object's position in a gravitational field, and it increases with an object's mass or weight and height above the ground.

How does weight distribution affect speed?

Weight distribution can affect speed by influencing the balance and stability of a vehicle or object. Proper weight distribution can improve handling and traction, leading to better acceleration and overall performance. Uneven weight distribution can cause issues such as understeer or oversteer, which can impact speed and control.

What will make an object float?

An object will float if it has a density lower than the fluid it is placed in, creating an upward force called buoyancy that counteracts the object's weight. This principle is known as Archimedes' principle. Additional factors that can impact whether an object floats include its shape, surface tension, and weight distribution.