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It matters what type of antibiotic and for what. Your doctor knows which antibiotics you should have. They are limited in what they want you to take while being pregnant.

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Q: The antibiotic is not bad for pregnant?
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What antibiotics can pregnant women take?

The doctor will prescribe a antibiotic for that.


Yes. It is a good antibiotic to be taken during pregnancy. But then, it is an antibiotic, which must be prescribed by the qualified physician.

Is amoxapen good to take while pregnant?

Yes. This antibiotic is safe to be used during pregnancy. But you should not take any antibiotic without advice of your physician.

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Yes. Antibiotics are not a contraceptive.

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What if you have I have a sore throatt and you are pregnant?

Try lozengers or ice. If it is an infection than your Dr. will prescribe you an antibiotic.

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by scratchin and stuff like if its bad :o

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Smoking when pregnant?

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any smoking while pregnant is terrible. im all for weed but if your pregnant its a bad idea

Is it bad to get pregnant after an appendicitis operation?

No. It is not bad to get pregnant after uncomplicated appendicitis operation. With complicated appendicitis, you need to consult your surgeon before getting pregnant.

Can someone get pregnant if they have unprotected sex while on an antibiotic but they didnt come in you?

Yes, it is possible, although not very likely.