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Q: The MAIN model of drug addiction today is the model?
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A model of drug based on the drug abuser being motivated by the effects is called?

disease of model of addiction

What is the main reason for one to enter a drug abuse rehabilitation program?

The main reason one enters a drug abuse program is to get rid of an addiction to a form of drugs. Most patients who enter a rehabilitation program do not have the strength to master their addiction on their own.

Is drug addiction caused by an allergy?

Addiction is caused by changes brought about in the brain by drug use, which cause the individual to need the drug in order to function. "Allergy" was the explanation used in the mid-20th Century, when we knew much less about addiction than we know today. While there is some genetic predisposition to addiction -- especially to alcohol -- addiction does not qualify as an allergy, which is an abnormal response of the immune system with an entirely different mechanism.

Does Absence of role model indulges young generation to drug addiction?

Your English is bad. I can't tell what you are asking.

Who are the authors on drug addiction theories?

There are many drug addiction theories with many authors.

Is the any herbal cures for drug addiction?

Unfortunately, there are no herbal cures for drug addiction.

Is there pros and cons of drug addiction?

I think that there are no pros on drug addiction because who wants to be addicted??

What are the terms of drug education?

drug addiction

How much of a problem is marijuana addiction?

Marijuana addiction is quite a big problem in the US today. The commonest illicit drug being used today, it is most popular amount students, probably because it is quite cheap to buy.

Which of these is the best description of addiction?

Drug addiction is a behavioral disorder and can be cured with therapy

Why is drug addiction a main problem in the Philippines?

Drug and substance abuse affect almost 10 percent of the Philippine youth. This situation is always attributed to poverty.


The only effective and appropriate way to stop alcohol, drug or drug addiction is comprehensive treatment