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Mifepristone and Misoprostol. You get them from a doctor.

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Q: Tablets for abort 1 month pregnancy?
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How do you abort less than 1 month pregnancy?

Jump off a ladder

Is there any pill to abort 1 month pregnancy?

There are pills to abort pregnancy after you have missed the period for 2 to 3 weeks. Any way consult your Gaenacologist for expert advice.

Can laxatives terminate 1 week pregnancy?

No, it can't. The morning after pill will not abort a pregnancy, it will have no effect once a pregnancy has occurred.

How many emkit tablets can you take in 1 month?

Not more than 4 tablets by mouth, in one month

Natural remedies to abort 1 month pregnancy?

There are no safe, trustworthy and legal ways to do this without a doctors supervision. If you don't have a safe abortion provider where you are you can see one online at womenonweb. They send you the medicine and also do follow up.

How long does one bleed when they abort a one month baby?

Normal bleeding is 1-4 weeks.

Chances of pregnancy after 1 month of unprotected sex.?

In two healthy people, the chance of pregnancy after having regular unprotected sex for a month is high.

Can you still be pregnant after taking 5 birth control pills?

Birth control pills wont make you abort. if you are pregnant you can take Plan B 1-5 days after sex to prevent the pregnancy and if you are pregnant and want to abort you have to go to a doctor.

Can the morning after pill cause miscarriage on a 1 month old pregnancy?

No it can not.

Will drinking vinegar after intercourse help stop pregnancy?

Nope. Vinegar can't stop pregnancies or abort. You can take Plan B though within day 1-5 after sex. Day 1-3 is the best.

Your period is a month late how far along could you be?

Anywhere between 1 month and 2 months pregnant. Take a pregnancy test

How can you stop pregnancy if you get to know about it 1 month later?

Simply get togethor with your docter and tell them you want to have an abortion.