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Some medications should be taken before eating, some during, and some after. Ask your health care provider or pharmacist for advice specific to your medication,.

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Q: Should you take a morning medication prior to breakfast?
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What are 2 other important checks you should do prior to administering a medication?

expiry and compatibility

Is a BLT sandwich lunch or breakfast?

Lunch or breakfast? Any food you eat to break the fasting (no consumption of food) experienced while sleeping is breakfast. Have you never eaten steak with eggs for "breakfast"? Steak is often what you eat for supper but when consumed in the morning it is breakfast. Lunch is considered the Midday meal or the meal eaten between the first food consumed in the morning (breakfast) when you wake up and the final meal of the day (supper) prior to going to sleep. So, the answer to your question is Both. It can even be supper or just a snack.

What type of information is available on the Ranexa website?

The information on the Ranexa website explains that it is a medication for chronic angina for adults. This includes safety instructions which should be read prior to taking the medication. The website informs patients of how the medication can change the lifestyle of angina sufferers.

What amount of kry-alkalyn should you take?

You should take 1 1/2 grams in the morning and one prior to exercise. If you work out in the morning just take 1 1/2 grams before workout and the same amount after.

What is it meant by adjusting a resident's posture prior to administering medication?

A patient taking oral medication should be positioned to help swallow safely without aspiration. And of course, a patient getting medication per rectum should be appropriately positioned to facilitate that route.

How many acai berry capsules should you take a day?

(Adult) Take two (2) tablets in the morning prior to breakfast and two (2) tablets in the evening, prior to bed time. Drink at least 8 oz (a full glass) of water with each two tablets. Do not exceed four (4) tablets per day. If stools are loose, reduce tablet intake from four (4) to three (3) per day.

If prior to applying the pads you see a medication patch on the person's chest you should?

Ahh, somebody is taking their CPR certification. You need to remove the medication pad if the AED pads will overlap. With a gloved hand, remove the patch from the person's chest.

What care should a patient receive after a kidney function tests?

If medication was discontinued prior to a urine kidney function test, it may be resumed once the test is completed.

Do you take or skip antidepresssnt antianxiey meds before a glucose tolerance test?

Only your doctor can advise you of whether you should take or skip your antidepressant anti-anxiety meds before a glucose tolerance test. You have to fast for eight hours prior to the test so it has to be done early in the morning. You can always just hold off on the medication until the test is finished.

What does the war was no breakfast spell mean?

"Breakfast spell" was a term the Northerners used just prior to the Civil War in order to indicate the belief that any war with the South would be brief - just a slight interruption of one's breakfast. Of course, that was not the case.

What medication is given to a patient prior to Maze procedure?

Medication to thin the blood (blood thinner or anticoagulant) is usually given for at least three weeks before the procedure.

Can you use early with prior to in same sentence?

Yes, you can use "early" and "prior to" in the same sentence. For example, "She left the house early in the morning, prior to the start of the event."