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No! Please do not!!! Never smoke or drink while you are pregnant or may become pregnant. As a result of that your baby could be harmed! Your baby could have serious birth defects or even die. Talk to your doctor.

AnswerWhatever you decide to ingest or breathe in you will share with your unborn baby. Always. There's no way to avoid it. None at all. The physiology is clear and there is no scientific argument whatsoever over this point. Not one person disagrees. It's important to make good choices because you're choosing for two.

Just a little bit of drinking and smoking results in lower birth weight and an increased risk of a number of neonatal difficulties. Just a little bit makes bad things happen. There are medical professionals who can advise you and answer any questions you may have. They've seen people (mothers and their newborns) who've been down these roads before. They know what time it is.

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Q: Should you smoke or drink while you are pregnant?
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of course [: