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Most doctors in Canada get you to sign an agreement that you wont sell,abuse or double doctoring while on morphine or other narcotics

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Q: Should you sign legal papers while taking morphine morphine?
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Find out how he can get/apply for legal papers and obtain them as soon as possible.

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You need special legal papers.

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No, because all the papers are (or should be, at least) signed and stamped so that they are legal.

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The papers would be legal anywhere. In or out of country.

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He needs to go through the legal process and sign legal papers.

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The palindrome for "legal papers that show ownership of property" is "deed."

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If your parents are not your biological parents and have adopted you and made themselves your legal guardians then they would have to have adoption papers or it wouldn't be legal.

Can you get insurance on a vehicle you do not own?

If you have its papers I believe so. You have to have information on it and legal papers.

Is it okay to smoke marijuana while taking morphine?

This depends on whether you are abusing morphine or taking it for a prescription. If you are using morphine to "get high" the effect of marijuana is very simple. It will just intensify the morphine and give you an increased "nodding" effect. It is actually very pleasurable. I imagine if you are taking morphine for a prescription it would just be the same as smoking weed regularly

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Are any legal papers needed to breed mice?

There are no legal papers but many requirements such as the number of mice and space that are allowed to occupy one cage