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Me my self i would wait a couple of days and if it does not get better i would go to the DR about it.

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Q: Should the minor infection in my toe be treated immediately with an antibiotic or should I wait a few days to see if it gets better on its own thereby enhancing my body's immunity?
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What key factors will make it more likely that infection will occur?

An infection is more likely to occur when a person has a low immunity or is on long term antibiotic therapy. Poor hygiene when treating wounds or dealing with personal care can aid the transmission of infection.

Why would not taking the entire course of antibiotics be counter productive in the treatments of any infection?

When antibiotics are incorrectly used and are not taken for the full term prescribed, usually from 5 to 21 days, depending on the specific antibiotic and disease, surviving bacteria develops immunity to the antibiotic.

What are the two components of specific immunity?

Humoral Immunity- acquired immunity in which the role of circulating antibodies is predominant. Natural Immunity- the resistance of the normal animal to infection

What it susceptible organism?

A susceptible organism is an organism that is vulnerable to infection or harm from certain pathogens or toxins. These organisms lack immunity or resistance to specific threats, making them more likely to become ill when exposed. Enhancing immunity through vaccinations, proper hygiene, and healthy living can help reduce susceptibility to diseases.

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What does immunity resist infection from?

microorganisms such as bacteria and viruses

What would happen if you didn't finish a course of antibiotics?

If you stop taking your antibiotic before you complete the course any surviving bacteria developes an immunity to that antibiotic. You must then take a different, usually stronger antibiotic to kill the infection. Once that happens that particular antibiotic usually will not work for any bacterial infection you may get.

Difference between innate and acquired immunity?

The way in which inherited and acquired immunities differ is in the way the immune system responds to infection. With inherited immunity, the body does not create antibodies that are particular to a specific pathogen unlike acquired immunity.

What is active acquired immunity?

Active acquired immunity is a type of immunity that results from the body's own immune system being activated to produce antibodies in response to exposure to a pathogen, such as through vaccination or recovering from an infection. This type of immunity provides long-lasting protection against future exposures to the same pathogen.

Can you have chlamydia if you're pregnant?

Pregnancy does not give you immunity from chlamydia infection.

How can bacteria develop an immunity to antibiotics?

Bacteria can develop immunity to antibiotics through mechanisms like DNA mutations that prevent the antibiotic from binding to its target, pumping the antibiotic out of the cell before it can take effect, or producing enzymes to deactivate the antibiotic. Over time, repeated exposure to antibiotics can select for bacteria that have developed these resistance mechanisms, leading to the development of antibiotic-resistant strains.

Your bodies have a natural resistance to many infection this is called passive immunity?
