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Q: Poisonous element that is also used in medicines and rat poison?
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What element is poisonous but was once used for medical treatment?

A medicine that is poisonous, but was once used for medical treatment is Warfarin or Coumadin. These are both medicines used to thin the blood, but are also used in rat poison. Ether is also poisonous and was used in surgery to put a patient to sleep.

What poisonous element is used in rat poison and medicines?

Several. Arsenic was once used as a rat poison and also has use in medicine (bone marrow disorders as an example. Thallium was once used as a rat poison and was once used to treat Syphillis Barium used to be used in rat poison and is used in medicine (barium meal) for some types of scan. Mostly these days however it is a compound that applies to both rather than an element - that being Warfarin.

Is this barberry bush poisonous?

some are poisonous but thankfuly not all of them I have a hedge that has poison berries but I also have a berry bush with tasty berries

What element can be used as a slow poison?

What poison, specifically? Several elements are poisonous all by themselves ... arsenic, chlorine, and fluorine to name a few. Lead isn't acutely "poisonous", but it (and several other elements) cause heavy metal toxicity. Plutonium will kill you via ionizing radiation. And so on.

Is plutonium least poisonous to humans?

Plutonium is a very toxic element; also is a radioactive element.

What were the side effects of poison gas?

Poisonous gas blinded, it also filled the lungs and suffocated men.

Is sodium poison?

Sodium itself is not poisonous in small amounts, as it is an essential mineral that our bodies need for proper functioning. However, consuming large amounts of sodium can be harmful and lead to health issues like high blood pressure and other cardiovascular problems. It's important to maintain a balance and not exceed recommended daily intake levels.

What is the poisonous river animals?

Some of them are the sea snakes that also move in the riverwater.some amphibians like poison arrow frog and the violet bodied frog and some toads are also poisonous and live in riverwater.

What poisonous element is used in medicines and also in rat poison?

Warfarin. It is a white crystalline compound that is used to kill rats and other rodents.Warfarin is also used as a medicine for people, to make their blood thinner so that it does not coagulate so easily.Other answersBromadiolone is also found in rat poisons and is composed of bromine, a poisonous element.Ipratropium bromide is a medication used as a bronchodilator - it assists breathing for patients with lung damage or asthma-type ailments.Note that warfarin, bromadiolone, and iprtropium bromide are compounds rather than elements.A common element used in rat poison is Arsenic, although there are other components such as zinc phosphide, bromethalin, and cholecalciferon.Thallium is higly toxic, is used in rat poison (though it's currently banned in the US) and a radioactive form (thallium-201) is used in cardiac testing.

Are poisonous herbs used in medicines?

Yes, some poisonous herbs are used in medicines. Often western medicines are based upon compounds found in natural substances, such as herbs. Not all medicine is based upon plants alone. Baldrian, or better known as Mandrake is a plant that has been used for centuries for its' sedating effect, very similar to naturally getting tired. It is known as a very poisonous plant, because an overdose of the herb is very poisonous and can lead to death. Dosing must be based very carefully upon weight and other details of a person before being administered. However baldrian is also available in tablets at pharmacies, where the poisonous element has been removed, making the herb relatively safe for home consumption. Most pharmacies are stocked and educated about herbal remedies and materials, and I highly reccommend talking with your pharmacist or doctor when considering herbs.

Are crepe myrtles poisonous?

No, crepe myrtle shrubs are not poisonous. The shrubs, also named crape myrtle commonly and Lagerstroemia indicascientifically, do not poison domesticated animals, livestock or people. The conclusion holds for contact and for ingestion.

Why that mercury element is important?

Mercury is a d-block element. It is the only metallic element which is a liquid at standard temperature and pressure. It is widely used in thermometers.Mercury is a metal element. It is used in thermometers,barometers and manometers. Also used to make some medicines and cosmetics.