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Q: Name the items you should have by changing table in your bathroom to ensure healthy and hygienic practices?
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Related questions

What are hygienic practices?

1.stay clean and healthy, 2. free from all kind of living things

Is going to the bathroom unheathy?

Going to the bathroom is a necessary body function. In that respect, going to the bathroom is healthy. It can become unhealthy if you do not use healthy practices, like washing your hands after eliminating.

What are the characteristics of hygienic individual?

healthy :)

Are there chemicals in a hash brown from McDonald's?

I am not sure but always take home food. It is healthy and hygienic.

How does exercising help hair grow?

It is because You are being hygienic and active which makes your hair healthy and makes it grow.

Is eating cardboard healthy for people?

no because there could be bad germs or insects could been on it to make it hygienic

What does sanitizing solution mean?

A sanitizing solution is a liquid or spray that is used to reduce the number of germs, viruses, and bacteria on surfaces. It is commonly used in cleaning practices to promote a healthy and hygienic environment.

Should people use the bathroom everyday?

yes to keep healthy

Synonym for salubrious?

The synonyms for salubrious is health-some, healthy, hygienic, salutary, wholesome, beneficial, bracing, curative, desirable, good, healthful, and helpful.

What is the weirdest thing a ginea pig does?

One of the weirdest things guinea pigs do is popcorning, where they jump and skip around in excitement. They also have a unique behavior called rumblestrutting, where they strut around while vibrating their bodies to show dominance or attract a mate. Additionally, guinea pigs sometimes engage in "barbering," where they chew on the fur of their cage mates.

Is it healthy to feed a dog in the bathroom?

it actually doesn't matter where you feed a dog

Write the objectives of yogic practices?

The objectives of yogic practices are: to develop healthy habits and lifestyle. to inclulcate human values.