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as much as you want!

Well whoever wrote this is the dumbest person on the planet!!! Junk food is not good for you so in my opinion eat it about once a month

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15y ago

i can aet twenty nine pounds of junk in one day who csn beat that

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Q: Most junk food eaten in one day?
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How much junk food is eaten each day?

It depends on who you are, and how much you eat of junk, really!

Most common day food eaten in Chile?

Rice and white fish

What food groups should be eaten the most a day are?

vegies but it is all about balance

Definition of junk food and fast food?

Junk food is food that is bad for you and you should not eat it every day simultaneously or you will get obese.

How has modern lifestyle made junk food popular?

The modern lifestyle is all about convenience. Junk food is the epiphany of convenience, so it is very popular in modern lifestyle.

How could someone curb their junk food cravings if they wanted to lose weight?

Ways to curb junk food cravings include allowing for only small portions of junk food, indulging but only once a day, and substituting the junk food for healthy alternatives.

What's worse...going hungry a whole day or eating junk food that day?

It would have to be the junk food. Going hungry for a day or 3 is not going to kill you or even cause you much of a problem. The junk food is going to put things into your body that sooner or later are going to cause a problem.

Is junk food good for you?

Well, most of the time, junk food is not healthy. But I can name a few that will satisfy your need for sugar and fat. Smartpop smartfood popcorn, Apple chips, Baked potato chips, Low fat cheese puffs, pop chips and low calorie pretzels. Even these are to be enjoyed in moderation, as is appropriate for all foods. Junk food isn't really good for you, but it depends what things is added to it....... but always check the back of the packet and decide if it's healthy or not.... just try not to eat too much a day Also, junk food can stuff up your arteries because it is full of fat. I personally think that junk food is not meant to be eaten by humans. So therefore it is pretty bad for you.

How much junk food should you have a day?

Ideally, none.

What day are sausages most commonly eaten in Britain?

what day are sausages most commonly eaten in britian

Is there nutrients in junk food?

Usually junk food is refined and alot of the nutrients are stripped from those foods.Those foods should be eaten as treats or in moderation as they tend to lack the types or natural nutrients the body benefits from.Such as Vegetables,protein,wholegrains and fruits at the same time fruits should be your natural source of sugar they should also be eaten in moderation.

What food item is eaten on the first day of lent?

The food eaten during lent season is usually vegetarian only