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Most likely you are only going to experience what you are already experiencing. That said, withdrawal effects can peak at onset for up to 14 days post cessation. The half-life of Lexapro is between 27-32 hours, approximately. This is relatively short. So the drug is not out of your system for 2-4 days completely,.. depending on metabolism, activity, dose, duration and other factors. Beyond that the down-regulation and general change in brain receptors that were effected by the medication can cause other delayed effects.

It is best to 'wean' yourself off this medication over a period of time to better tolerate any potential substantiated withdrawal effects. An example would be drop to 8 mg's for a week, 6 mg's for a week, 4mg's a week, 2 mg's a week.. 1mg a week, and then off. (This is generalized, and should be at the direction of your mental health professional) -- But allowing a titrated adjustment period while slowly discontinueing the drug is the best, proven, method for the best likely scenario.

With that said, some stop cold-turkey and experience only minor to no discomfort. Others experience absolute hell on earth for a very long time. It is very individualistic and there are no absolutes involved. There are simply general guidelines, such as dose titration downward instead of jumping cold turkey to prevent what 'could' occur.

Also to think about -- if the medication is working and you are stable, why stop? Many people take a medication become stable,.. then at that point (months to years down the road) decide they don't want to be dependent on a pill everyday. They then discontinue to medication only to have it disrupt their lives dramatically. When the best decision is to remain on the medication and continue with a normal , stable life. I find too many people discontinueing such AD's that were/are of great benefit for the smallest of reasons.

In many cases an AD is a lifelong thing. The stigma involved is lessened considerably with taking any AD these days and it continues to be more and more accepted among society. It is estimated 25% of the population takes some sort of AD, and you can double that figure for having taken some sort of AD at some point in their lives.

Just my thoughts on considering such medication (IF helpful), as a long term therapy - instead of something to get you out of a 'funk' to be discontinued.

Many will argue that most AD's are the devil, and that one should discontinue asap if on them. Most of this is due to horrible withdrawal effects that these people have experienced. This is undeniable, but doesn't happen to everyone. And will not occur if one does not discontinue the medication.

Yes, AD's are, imo, over prescribed. However, if they make a substantial difference in a persons life/mental status they should be treated like a diabetic with insulin, etc. Something needed because of a chemical imbalance whether genetic or environmentally produced.

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Q: Ive stopped taking lexapro about a week ago 10mg a day for a year I have experienced only minor withdrawals Does this mean I am not going to get any bad withdrawals or could they still occur?
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