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What do the instructions say? It is possible you are pregnant and you did the tests too early or with a specimen of weak urine. Wait another couple of days and do the test with the first urine you pass in the morning. Possibly, but you really should go to a doctor to verify

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A very faint line usually means that you are pregnant - but you are only just pregnant! Try again in a few days and the line should've darkened up as your levels of HCG rise.

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Q: Ive done 3 pregnancy tests and all 3 have come up with a really faint line. My periods are so irregular since coming off my pill that Im not sure if im due a period or not or if ive tested too early?
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If your period is late but you are cramping could you be pregnant?

Periods can be late because of stress,diet, age and maybe irregular periods. Go take a pregnancy test if you think you might be pregnant the cramping could be a sign that your coming on your period from pink princess

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My period stopped after my 4th month of pregnancy

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Hi there. Yes these are all signs of pregnancy.

Can pregnancy make you have your period more than once a month for a few months in a row?

No pregnancy cannot cause this. This sounds like irregular periods. See your Doctor.

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It may be your birth control if you are taking any they cause irregular periods.

It has been 8 weeks since your last period Are you pregnant?

Maybe. Missed, irregular or late periods do not always indicate pregnancy, but if you are wondering, you should have a pregnancy test performed.

Why did you get your period 15days after your last period?

If you're on birth control and have missed any pills this can result in a early period. Alternatively pregnancy, irregular periods or hormone imbalance can also cause a early period.

My last shot was in February for birth control my period came on the last days of June I had no period the whole month of July and then my period came on August the 16th what does that mean?

Irregular periods are often perfectly normal, but not always. If you have not been using another form of birth control, and you have been sexually active, it is wise to have a pregnancy test. Spotting similar to a period can happen in pregnancy. Did you have regular periods before going on the shot? If so, your period will usually normalize after a while. See a physician to be certain of the cause of your irregular periods.

If You were 2 weeks late for your period and had a neg pregnancy test and now you went the whole month without your period what does that mean?

If your periods are usually irregular, you should see a doctor for tests.

What does it mean if you stop having your period?

there are reasons why the period becomes irregular such as hard sports training. The period coming to a complete stop is the holy grail of the symptoms and the main symptom of pregnancy.

Does a irregular period be a sign of pregnancy?

I wouldnt say irreuglar periods are a sign of pregnancy its usually actually missing a period for about 2 , 3 or even 4 times(months) in a row. Irregualr periods mean that your body is just developing differently. I reccomend Yaz birth control pills , they regualate ur periods very well.

When do you ovulate when you have irregular periods?

Two weeks after your period