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It is believed in some science fora's that it is possible to contruct a figure of "the fourth dimension" with 120 sides, called "hecatonicosihedrigons", or figures with 600 sides called "hexacosihedrigons". Special tribute to: William James Sidis William James Sidis (April 1, 1898 - July 17, 1944) was an American child prodigy with exceptional mathematical and linguistic abilities. He first became famous for his precocity, and later for his eccentricity and withdrawal from the public eye. He avoided mathematics entirely in later life, writing on other subjects under a number of pseudonyms. With an estimated ratio IQ of 250-300, he is often cited in informal contexts as one of the most intelligent people who ever lived.

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No. Where's the fun in that?

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the effects on other people after death is horrible, (trust me, I've been there) if you just think that you will never ever see them ever again, that they'r gone for good.

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yes, just like other people

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He helped people

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Dude, that never ever ever ever ever everever happened to me

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It is the worst game ever created and it makes people want to fight other people

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