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No, only conduction deafness is correctable with hearing aids

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Q: Is total nerve deafness correctable with hearing aids?
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What are the symptoms of hereditary deafness?

loss or or total lack of hearing abilities

Is partial or total loss of the ability to hear?

Hearing loss can be either partial, where some level of hearing remains, or total, where there is a complete loss of hearing in one or both ears. Partial hearing loss can range from mild to severe, affecting a person's ability to hear sounds at different levels. Total hearing loss is referred to as deafness.

What is the difference between conduction deafness and nerve deafness?

partial or total inability to hear. The two principal types of deafness are conduction deafness and nerve deafness. In conduction deafness, there is interruption of the sound vibrations in their passage from the outer world to the nerve cells in the inner ear. The obstacle may be earwax that blocks the external auditory channel, or stapes fixation, which prevents the stapes (one of the minute bones in the middle ear) from transmitting sound vibrations to the inner ear. In nerve deafness, some defect in the sensory cells of the inner ear (e.g., their injury by excessive noise) or in the vestibulocochlear nerve prevents transmission of sound impulses from the inner ear to the auditory centre in the brain. Deafness at birth is nearly always of the nerve type and cannot be improved by medical means.

What is deaf mutes?

This is an old and a rather insensitive way to refer to people who have the challenge of deafness, usually profound or total deafness. Many such people cannot speak, or have great difficulty speaking.

What may happen to the ear of a person who wears headphones and turn up the volume?

Prolong use at high loudness could lead to deafness (slight or even total deafness), or it could causetinnitus.

What may happen to the ears of a person who wears headphones and turn up the sound?

Prolong use at high loudness could lead to deafness (slight or even total deafness), or it could causetinnitus.

How many deaf or hard of hearing people are in the US?

Currently, it is hard to say. But with 1986 statistics, approximately 750,000 (5% of total population) reported having a hearing problem great enough to occasionally cause them some degree of difficulty in Australia, particularly in noisy conditions. Reference: Gallaudet Encyclopedia of Deaf People and Deafness. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1986.

What is the usual outcome of untreated otosclerosis?

Untreated otosclerosis eventually results in total deafness, usually in both ears.

Hearing Impairment: A Global Problem?

Affecting millions of people worldwide, hearing impairment and deafness is a serious and constantly growing problem. About 0.3% Americans, or around 1.2 million people, are considered functionally deaf, with millions more living with varying degrees of partial hearing loss. Hearing loss affects people of all ages, ethnicities, and income brackets, and can occur for a variety of reasons, a few of which will be discussed in this article. Many people associate hearing impairment and loss with the elderly, believing that increased difficulty in hearing is just something that comes along with age, and to some degree they are correct. There is even a medical term that is defined as losing one's hearing due to aging and the effects it has on the human body: Presbycusis. Simply put, daily life puts a strain on the body, and over time the effects of that strain start to manifest themselves in areas like vision and hearing. However, hearing impairment is in no way reserved for the elderly; it can happen to anyone. Deafness, both partial and total, can be brought on by trauma, illness, or be genetically passed on from parent to child. Too much exposure to loud noises has left many people in either partially or totally without the ability to hear. Rock musicians, construction workers, hunters, and military person are among the millions of groups of people who, either by choice or by occupation, endure noises with such a high decibel measurement and for such a long time that, without proper ear protection, have a very high risk of trauma induced hearing impairment. Many people don't know that deafness can be brought about by certain illnesses, one historical example of this being Helen Keller, who was struck deaf and blind at 19 months old by what doctors now assume to be either meningitis or scarlet fever. Other diseases such as Measles, Mumps, and HIV have all been proven to cause either partial or total deafness in people and especially in babies and small children. Often, a mother can pass on one of these or other diseases to a child while it's still in the womb, frequently resulting in varying degrees of hearing loss. Hearing impairment is a serious issue, affecting hundreds of millions if not billions of people worldwide. Some forms, like genetically passed hearing loss, cannot be prevented, but loss brought about by diseases and trauma are very preventable. People need to do more to educate themselves on this issue, because hearing impairment in a widespread and serious condition.

What is the total volume of nerve cells?

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How many Americans are deaf?

In the United States anywhere from 2 to 4 out of every 1000 people are deaf. The total number is not listed as their are various levels of deafness.

What method that involves the use of sign language speech reading and hearing aids for hearing impaired children is called what?

total communication approach