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Looking at a Periodic Table, you will quickly notice the lack of any element called toothpastium. So that's right out. Looking at the list of ingredients, you will quickly notice there's more than one.

In other words: it's a mixture.

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15y ago
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14y ago

yes it is

toothpaste is a mixture that is made up of a lot of compounds.

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6y ago

Toothpaste is a mixture.

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Q: Is toothpaste a mechanical mixture or a pure substance or solution?
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1. A pure substance can not be separated farther since it is composed of one type of atom. 2. I can't define mechanical mixture... Check your text book 3. A solution is one or more substances. I can: As she said a pure substance has only one type of particle. A solution is MORE then one substance. But in a solution u can't see the different parts. In a mechanical mixture, there is more then one particle like in a solution, but u can see the different particles.

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solution or mechanical mixture imma not sure sorry lol im trying to help