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Q: Is there synthetic heroin in Oxycontin?
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What is the difference between heroin and Oxycontin?

There are many differences between heroin and OxyContin. A few simple differences are heroin is an opioid and illegal. OxyContin is a narcotic and legal.

Is Oxycontin more addictive than heroin?

No. Oxycontin contains oxycodone where as heroin is diacetylmorphine. Both are opiates.

Is clonazepam synthetic heroin?

Clonezepam is in a class of drugs known as benzodiazepines, and heroin is a semi-synthetic opioid. So no, clonazepam is not synthetic heroin. Oxycontins is a form of synthetic heroin. In a way Methadone is as well, though the main use for methadone is to taper off heroin.

Are you shore that heroin will show the same as Oxycontin in a ua and not heroin?

the body metabolises heroin and Oxycontin in different ways. On a standard drug panel test it will light up for opiates if you have taken them, but if you take a complex blood test then they can distinguish which drug you have taken because heroin gets metabolised and leaves one metabolised form of heroin than Oxycontin does not when metabolised.

Is it ok to use heroin crack and Oxycontin together?

I definitely wouldn't advise it. My best friend overdosed and died mixing Oxycontin and heroin. So please just don't do it`.

What family does Oxycontin show up as?

Opiates (i.e. heroin)

Is heroin a synthetic drug semi synthetic drug or a natural drug?

heroin is a semi-synthetic drug, ive just done about it in my drugs and toxicology module at uni

Is methadone a synthetic herion?

Dilaudid is a semi-synthetic drug and both an opiate and a true narcotic, similar to heroin and other opiates. It is used in medicine as an alternative to morphine.Dilaudid is eight times strong than morphine and four time stronger than heroin. It is a classified as Schedule II narcotic, meaning that it has extra potential for drug abuse and drug addiction.

Who invented Oxycontin?

Bayer -- then a German company -- first synthesized Oxycontin in 1916 as a hoped for replacement for pharceutical heroin and morphine.

Does Oxycontin and heroin show up the same in urine tests?


What does Oxycontin show up as in a urine test?

put simple, heroin

Does Oxycontin show up as heroin on a ua?

No. It shows up as oxycodone.