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No there is no opium in Methadone

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Q: Is there opium in methadone
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What is the conversion dose of opium to methadone?

There's no such thing. Methadone is a synthetic opioid and is NOT made from opium (unlike morphine).

What are narcotic medications?

Narcotics are opium derivatives and synthetic compounds that mimic the effects of opium derived drugs, such as Demerol (meperidine) and Methadone (dolphine).

Which are narcotic drugs?

Drugs such as opium, morphine, heroin, codeine, hydrocodone, oxycodone, fentanyl, and methadone.

Is Suboxone speed?

No, Suboxone is an opiate, in the same class as opium, heroin, morphine, hydrocodone, oxycodone, methadone, codeine, etc.

What type of drug category is opium in?

methadone, morphine, codeine..... Comes in different forms. Heroin, methadone is used in clinics to ween people off heroin. Codeine is in various prescription only narcotics [[Oxycontin, oxycodone, Tylenol 3, vicodin, percocets...]]

Is hydrocodone still legal?

Yes, It is from the family know as opioids which comes from the opium plant (condiene, morphine, methadone, etc.) These are all narcotics and controlled substances.

What are examples oh narcotic drugs?

Some examples of narcotics are opium, morphine, and methadone. Heroin is the most used. For more info, you can read on Majalah Siantar.

Does methadone show up as an opiate in a hair drug test?

No methadone does not come from the opium poppy. it is all synthetic and made in a lab. All it does is cover the opiate receptors in the brain. you need a whole other test for methadone. Suboxone may come up as an opiate in a hair test because it isn't all synthetic.

Was Methadone used in Nazi concentration camps were the Jews given this drug to stop them from escaping?

No. Methadone was used in place of heroin or morphine for wounded German troops. Germany was in the middle of an opium shortage and needed another drug that provided the same effects as heroin or morphine.

Is morphine an opium?

No. Opium is a mixture of several drugs, one of which is morphine. Heroin is a derivative of morphine. The two are similar but unrelated (except that the morphine is usually taken from opium).

If you are on heroin for three months how much methadone do you need to not go through withdrawal?

Methadone will not cure your heroin addiction. It will only keep you from going through withdrawal if you continue taking it. Once you stop taking the methadone, you will start going into withdrawal. Methadone, as well as Suboxone, are opiate antagonists. They feed your physical dependence on opiates, and they block an opiate high, so even if you relapse and start using heroin again, you won't get high on it. Heroin, Suboxone, methadone, opium, hydrocodone, hydromorphone, oxycodone, codeine, etc...these are all opiate drugs (made from the opium poppy). Methadone (as well as Suboxone) is just an opiate that won't get you high. It helps you quit getting high, but it does not cure or get rid of your physical dependence on opiates. When you are ready to stop taking Suboxone, you wean yourself off of it very slowly, usually over a period of several months. I would assume the same is true of methadone, but I have never taken methadone, so I don't know too much about it.

Is demeroll an opioid or opiate?

It is an opioid- meaning it is a synthetic compound that works on opiate receptors in your body. Opiates are derived naturally from the opium poppy. Demerol has about the same effectiveness as morphine, but chemically is more related to methadone.