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If your dealer put pencil lead in your bag, you got ripped off.

If there was lead in the water it was grown in, some of it will have traveled into the plant.

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Q: Is there lead in marijuana
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Does marijuana lead to lung cancer?

u tell me

Can smoking marijuana lead a woman to unleash her inner tigress?

Marijuana can lower sexual inhibitions in some people. Some research even suggests marijuana can cause impotency and infertility.

What are more things marijuana can do to you?

marijuana can prevent you from learning new things, cause laziness in a sense that you have no motivation or desire to learn and it can lead to addiction.

Why does marijuana lead you to death?

No such thing as a marijuana death, YOUVE BEEN LIED TO ALL YOUR LIFE, no but seriously, do your research kid, marijauana is harmless

Can you overdose on marijuana the legal drug?

Using only marijuana cannot lead to a lethal overdose. In fact, one needs to take 40,000 times their usual amount to overdose. However, it can lead to a temporary overdose known as greening out. Also, there are cases of death as a result of marijuana abuse and heart attack.

Can smoking weed make you skinnier?

The marijuana itself has no influence on your weight gain/loss. Marijuana does, however, cause an increase in appetite and that again may lead to weightgain.

What is a gatetway drug?

Drugs that lead to the use of more powerful drugs. They are: Tobacco, Marijuana and Alcohol.

The laws of marijuana in texas?

In Texas, marijuana is illegal for recreational use and possession of any amount can result in criminal charges. Medical use of marijuana is restricted to a low-THC cannabis oil for specific medical conditions. Possession of even small amounts of marijuana can lead to fines, imprisonment, and a criminal record in Texas.

Does marijuana use change urine smell?

Yes, marijuana use can potentially change the smell of urine. Compounds from marijuana can be excreted in urine, altering its odor. Additionally, marijuana use can lead to dehydration, which can result in more concentrated urine that may have a stronger smell.

If a person smokes too much marijuana can it lead to a heart attack?

no, its all in the head with that. some senses get numb with marijuana use and other senses become more sensitive. you notice things you usually wouldn't and you're in a state of paranoia. that's all. note: search for number of marijuana deaths. (no accidents, or anything to do with marijuana)

How does marijuana affect central nervous system?

idk it cam kill cells in the body and then possibly lead to death

Can you be arrested for having a marijauna leaf- No marijauna drugs or marijauna seeds only the leaf of the marijuana plant?

Possession of a marijuana leaf can potentially lead to legal consequences as it could be seen as evidence of marijuana possession. Laws around marijuana vary by jurisdiction, so it is best to check the specific laws in your location.