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no there deffinatly isn't caffeine in marijuana

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Q: Is there caffeine in marijuana
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Is marijuana the most common drug in the world?

No, it might be the most common illegal drug, but caffeine is the most common drug. Yes, caffeine is a drug.

What is the addictive potential of marijuana?

marijuana ranges from mexican dirt which can take several joints to get high to very potent strains such as nothern lights which can produce the desired effects with only a few hits (1-3)

Is marijuana or cafeine more addictive?

Caffeine, by a wide margin. Marijuana is addictive over long-term heavy use. Caffeine users can become addicted in a matter of a few weeks. (We know that we will get comments from people who do not want to believe marijuana is addictive. We have worked with recovering addicts for years, and can assure you from personal observation of many patients that THC, the active ingredient in marijuana, exhibits all of the characteristics of an addictive drug in heavy users.)

Which drugs are not associated with physical dependance?

Some of them that exhibit mild repercussions physically are alcohol, caffeine, marijuana, and LSD.

Can marijuana harm your unborn child?

probably, I wouldn't revommend any drugs, alcohol or caffeine when your pregnant Also no smoking

What drugs are there?

There are many drugs out there. A few examples are: Nitrous or Laughing Gas, Mescaline, LSD, Marijuana, Alcohol, Caffeine, and Tobacco.

What is the most widely abused drug in the us?

Crack cocaine and nicotine, in that order.

Can marijuana go through the sperm and make a baby addicted to it?

No. Even if the mother smokes marijuana while she is pregnant, the baby cannot be born addicted to it, since marijuana is not physically addictive. Of course, this does NOT mean it's okay to smoke marijuana while you're pregnant. You're not supposed to take ANY drugs -- including caffeine -- while you're pregnant.

Should marijuana be legatized like tobacco or caffeine why or why not?

well first off its grown from the ground!!! like tobacco but not caffeine!!! second it is legal in Colorado for the most part!!! so why not the people i know that smoke get hungry but can operate most of anything just fine!!!

What is the most widely used psychotropic drug?

Caffeine is the most widely used psychotropic drug in the world. It is found in coffee, tea, and many other beverages and foods.

What is the most common used drug in the us?

While not often thought of as a drug, caffeine is the most commonly used drug in America. Ethanol (alcohol) and nicotine (in tobacco products) are the next most commonly used. As for illegal drugs, cannabis is the most widely used.