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I have 1mg tablets of Ativan that I take when I get anxiety symptoms. There have been some months where I've had to take a few a week and other months where I've had to take none at all. I think as long as you are not using it daily and monitoring your usage, dependency should not be an issue.

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Q: Is there any risk of physical dependency from taking 2mg of Ativan at the most once a month?
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How long does Ativan last?

Ativan has a half life of 12-16 hours which means that almost all of it is removed from the bloodstream in a couple of days. Ativan is converted into inactive metabolites. In case of a patient with renal failure the inactive metabolites may accumulate but in most cases they won't interfere with the drug's action.

Can you take fish oil with Ativan?

I've been taking fish oild every day with it. All seems well. I'm fine. I don't see how it would cause a problem, but then again I'm not a doctor. Like I said, I've been taking it for about a month along with fish out every morning.

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Methadone is an anit-addictive drug you do not go through withdrawals after quitting this medication. This is used for people with opioid dependency.

How long does withdrawls from Ativan last?

Iv only been on ativan for one week.(1mg tablets twice a day)when i stoped taking ativan after that week i felt like im going through hell.The first three days i felt normal after that i satrted getting so many withdrawl symptoms i wish i would of never tookin ativan.Its been a month and one week now.Most of the withdrawl symptoms are disapering but mentaly i feel like im close to death or something.These feelings that i have about dieing are slowly fadding away little by little.Some advice i would give to anyone having withdrawl symptoms from ativan is always put in your mind that soon it would all be over and im going to live a normal life someday.that realy helps me.also put in your mind that its only the medication that's it.its nothing life threating.

50 days convert into how many month and days?

1 month and 22,21,20 or 19 days depending on the month. But, taking a month to be 30 days, it would be 1 month and 20 days.

My 7 month old puppy ate some of my Ativan 1mg?

Take him to vet immediately. He's only 7 months old--use yopur head! And keep your drugs where he cannot get them.

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50 a month

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Yes birth control pills aren't effective until you complete one full month of taking them.

For how long ativan should be used because i have been taking it for 4 month i reduced my dose from 1 mg to 0.5 mg my anxiety has improved but not fully recovered?

Please kindly note that anxiety takes a great deal of time to go, and now that the doctor has reduced your dose to 0.5 mg . is good . Put take it till the doctor says only.

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No taking 5or6 percocet will have affects on you , may cause depression.

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