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There is a simple test for Diabetes. I recommend getting a blood test done at your physicians to determine the exact medication you need. But there is some simply over the counter test as well.

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Q: Is there a simple test for diabetes?
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Diabetes Test?

Having a diabetes test is quick, easy and usually painless. Your doctor will order a simple blood test. Blood will be drawn and then sent to a lab to measure your body's glucose level.

What is diabetes screening , and what does it do ?

Diabetes screening is a test in which is done to see if you are one of the people to have diabetes , it is usually done by fasting blood test or oral glucose tolerance test, and or a random plasma glucose test can all help to determine if you have diabetes.

Would they have to check your pulse to know if you have got diabetes?

No. The only test for diabetes is to test your blood. If you are in a diabetic coma, then they need to check your pulse to see part of your condition. The test for Diabetes is the HbA1c test which tests the amount of sugar that is attached to your blood cells. Anything above 7% is considered to be diabetes. It is a simple test and you can buy a test kit for this for about $9 from Walmart. Most of the diabetics strive to control blood sugar below 6%. The next and most common test is to test the current blood glucose, using a glucose meter. A fasting, not eating for 12 hours, level above 90 is considered to be questionable. Most diabetes when they find they are diabetic are in the 200 or above milligrams of glucose per deciliter.

How can diabetes be detected?

Hair on your big toe means you have diabetes What kind of joke answer is that! NOT FUNNY! diabetes is a serious disease with no know cure.It can be detected through a simple blood test called a fasting blood glucose test.If the result is 120 or higher then your diabetic.

What does hgt stand for in diabetes test?

hemogluco test

Tests for Diabetes?

A common test for diabetes is the Fasting Plasma Glucose Test. It consists of a simple blood sample taken after an eight hour fast. A result higher than 100 milligrams per deciliter is a sign of diabetes.

What are the different warning signs of diabetes in children?

The difference between type 1 diabetes and type 2 is quite different. Type 1 diabetes is when the body no longer produces insulin so the child will have to be on insulin replacement injections for the rest of their life. Type 2 diabetes is when the cells in the body do not respond correctly to making insulin. If you are worried your son has diabetes you should visit your doctor and have him run a blood test to check for diabetes. Usually it involves a simple blood test and the results usually arrive somewhat quickly.

When do you accept the test for gestational diabetes?

The test for gestational diabetes, also called a glucose screening test, is typically administered between the 24th and 28th week of pregnancy.

What do the test strips for diabetes test for?

Diabetes test strips are used to test the level of blood sugar in a diabetic's blood. By pricking the fingertip and applying the blood droplet to the test strip the blood sugar is red by the monitor.

Where is the best place to get a pre diabetes test?

The best place to get tested is at your doctors office. The test is very simple and takes just a few minutes. You can also find testing centers at or your local yellow pages.

What test is performed to diagnose diabetes?

Gestational diabetes can be diagnosed with testing for blood glucose level, if it is higher than normal level then gestational diabetes be confirmed.All type of diabetes are confirmed only with high level of blood sugar or glucose.

Will drinking water affect your diabetes test?
