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yes it is. depending on your tests, though. i tested it, and it turned out to be tap water. test it for yourself! :)

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Q: Is tap water the hardest water?
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That depends if the tap water is filtered or not. Bottled water is filtered, and some tap water isn't, but if the tap water is filtered, then both kinds of water are the same healthiness to plants.

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If the refrigerator water is filtered, then it would be different from the tap water coming from the sink.

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Tap water.

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House Music by Benny Bennassi on expert level it is actually duct tape smile by Psyopus which is nearly impossible

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They are not better than tap water, they are basically equal in nutrients. People just think its unhealthy due to those misleading commercials. Water bottles < Tap Water Why? Water bottles = $$$$ Tap Water = $

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Tap water