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Yes, if you are taking morphine you must beware of over heating and UV. over exposure.

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Q: Is taking morphine and working out in the sun a bad combination?
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Is morphine bad for a Pug?

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morphine wont necessarily cause knee pain its made to take pain away... however after using morphine regularly your muscles and bones to ache and hurt real bad when your not on it.

What would happen if you take Morphine and LSD together at the same time?

I don't see how this combination would have any negative physiological effects, since the interactions between them would be minimal. However, taking Marijuana with LSD can lead to an increased likelihood of having a "Bad trip", since both of these drugs are known for increasing paranoia in many individuals. The morphine and marijuana would likely have a depressant effect which would likely lower the intensity of LSD's stimulant effect.

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she is a morphine addict my English teacher told us hope this helps ;)

How bad will the withdrawl of 30mg morphine a day be?

Doctors can help you there. Join a program and get assistance.

What does liquid morphine taste like?

smell like vinigar and tste bad very bitter

Poppies in World War 2 suicide if mortally wounded behind lines or morphine soldiers issued small tubes with needle on end in case of injury and no help?

whats your ? ya we had the morphine tubes, if the wound you recived was bad, then you gave your self a shot of morphine,

Can I take OTC allergy pills while Taking morphine?

I am not a physican of any sort but I am also allergic to morphine. When I had lung surgery I was given morphine and I broke out in a real bad rash and hives. A couple years later I was in a pretty bad car accident and was prescribed percocet. Since then I have been prescribed it on 3 other occasions over the years and every time I take the percocet I have no problems at all with it. With that said, I would say that you can take percocet if your allergic to morphine. I hope that helps, but of course I would speak with a Dr first before anything. I am also not a physician or anything for that matter but i'd just like to add to this. I have an allergic reaction to morphine and have tried numerous other medications and i was prescribed Oxycontin which is i think what your referring to as percocet or the same family and i have the exact same side effects. My skin feels like its crawling and is that itchy i want to scratch it off. I also get bad nausea and dizziness. Just thought i'd add this for others to read

Will you experience withdrawal after taking lexapro for only four days?

Taking Leprexo takes a week or more to have any effect.It takes a buikd up to start working to help you. It would not likely have and effect good or bad in 4 days,

Can you still get high on morphine if you had already done suboxin that same day?

No way, Not a chance. Wait at least 72 hours after taking your last suboxone before you take any opiates\opioids, otherwise you could go into a bad withdrawl from the naloxone in suboxone, or more common, you will just waste the morphine, it will have ZERO effect so dont even bother.

Is taking bath while in perioed bad?

its kinda bad . but if u have ur period and u are taking a bath dont stay there for to long cause the if bad.