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That depends, If your doctor perscribed it then he or she had a reason and then it is ok. There is nothiing wrong with the 80 mg of narcotic you would be taking, however, the 500 presents a serious problem. The 500 stands for the amount of acetaminophen (Tylenol) in the pill. 4,000mg (the amount in 8 pills) is the MAXIMUM for any 24 hour period. Overdoses of Tylenol cause a painful death within a week or two unless you can find a liver transplant. 4,000 is on the line, but the FDA is asking to have the maximum dose lowered because on occasion people have reported acute liver failure with only 4,000mg. If you drink regularly it is WAY WAY to much alcohol. You could also ask your doctor for a stronger prescription (15-350) to lessen the risk. I don't have your chart in front of you but your doctor could talk to you more about your specific case. Do not take that many if you are a recreational user, the acetaminophen od risk is to high.

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12y ago

Yes. I have two herniated disks with severe impingement. Heaven forbid my Doctors should try to manage my pain. I finally got lucky and found a dr to give me 10-325, which barely touched my pain. So I take two and a time and I find it really helps.

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14y ago

yes you can safely take two 10mg hydrcodone every 6 hours

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Q: Is taking 8 hydrocodone apap 10-500 in a day too much?
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Is taking two Vicodin 750 the same as takinking two Vicodin 500?

Not necessarily. Vicodin is a combination of hydocodone and acetaminophen/paracetamol(APAP). Vicodin is available in: 5mg hydrocodone / 500mg APAP 7.5mg hydrocodone / 750mg APAP 10mg hydrocodone / 660mg APAP Therefore, if you take one 10mg pill containing 660mg APAP instead of taking two 5mg pills each containing 500mg APAP for a combined total of 1000mg APAP, you will, in essence, be receiving less of a drug that reduces inflamation and assists in relieving pain. In addition, ingesting too much APAP will cause great stress to your liver, so when managing severe pain you may want to monitor that. Moreover, taking one 5mg pill at one time then another 5mg pill at a later time will NOT heed the same results as taking two 5mg pills at the same time. (half lives, metabolic absorbtion, etc.)

What is the difference between hydrocodone 5-500mg and Norco 10-325mg?

The difference is the amount of APAP, Like the Hydrocodone 5-325 is Norco It has less APAP which is Acetaminophen (Tylenol) . The Hydrocodone 5-500 is Vicodin, and it has the same amount of the Narcotic but more APAP.

What is the generic brand of Vicodin?

ya there pretty much the same exact thing no they are definitely NOT the same thing - the brand works for me but not the generic

Does Vicodin have aspirin in it?

I think you mean does Vicodin have aspirin. The answer is no, Vicodin contains 2 active ingredients, Hydrocodone and Acetaminophen (Tylenol). How much of either ingredient varies depending on the prescription. On your prescription label you will see 2 numbers they will be something like 5/325 or 5/500. This is the mixture of Hydrocodone to APAP (Acetaminophen), the 5, 10, 25 will be the amount of Hydrocodone and the 325 or 500 will be the APAP (Acetaminophen). There are several different combinations depending on the manufacturer but they all do basically the same thing. All you are worried about is the amount of Hydrocodone, this is the ingredient that provides MOST of the pain relief. Unless you have problems with nausea, then you will want to insist the 325mg varieties as the APAP is what causes nausea and other gastrointestinal (digestive) problems. Be careful when taking these medications though, Acetaminophen is HIGHLY dangerous. Taking more than 4000mg/day can cause SERIOUS liver damage. Not to mention Hydrocodone is HIGHLY addictive.

Is 50 Mg of hydrocodone per day ok?

I took that much hydrocodone or more, in addition to other longer acting opiates, daily for pain management for nearly 6 months. Medically speaking, it is safe to take 50mg of hydrocodone per day if you have a tolerance to opiates. Tolerance develops when one takes significant amounts of opiates (hydrocodone, oxycodone, morphine, heroin) frequently for an extended period of time. However, that much hydrocodone could cause side effects such as constipation, drowsiness, itchyness, sleep disturbance, irritability, decreased libido, and more. If you take that dose every day for an extended period you may also become physically dependent on hydrocodone. That means that if you suddenly stop or significantly decrease your dose you may experience uncomfortable flu like withdrawal symptoms. This commonly includes runny nose, body pain, sweats, chills, hot flashes, nausea, diarrhea, restlessness and more. So long as you avoid acute overdose there is no danger in taking 50mg of hydrocodone on a daily basis. However, to my knowledge, there is no preparation of hydrocodone that has hydrocodone as the only active ingredient. The vast majority of pills containing hydrocodone also contain APAP (acetaminophen, paracetamol, & Tylenol are also names for this same chemical), which can be very toxic to the liver. Pills like Vicodin, Lortab, Norco, and all of their generics contain APAP in varying amounts. For example a 5/500 Vicodin contains 5mg of hydrocodone and 500mg of APAP, while a 10/325 Norco contains 10mg of hydrocodone and 325mg of APAP. There are dozens of different preparations available with doses ranging from 5mg - 10mg of hydrocodone combined with 325mg - 1000mg of APAP. According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) the maximum safe acute dose of APAP is 6g (6000mg) in one day. The FDA has also stated that if APAP is to be taken every day for an extended period, then the maximum safe daily dose is 4g (4000mg) per day. However, recent research has shown that even 4g of APAP per day has a negative effect on the liver. So, even though the hydrocodone itself is not dangerous, the other active ingredients in the pill syou are taking may be. If you are taking this medication to treat chronic pain then talk to your doctor about trying different, longer acting, pain medications that contain no APAP and will require you to dose less frequently while providing better control over your pain. -Aces N 8s

How long will a 5mg hydrocodone stay in your urine?

500mg of hydrocodone is a significant overdose. Most formulations will contain 5mg of hydrocodone and 500mg of Tylenol. 500mg of hydrocodone would be 100 tabs, which would be 50 grams of Tylenol. If the hydrocodone overdose did not kill you by causing respiratory depression and arrest, the Tylenol would kill you by causing liver failure and gastrointestinal bleeding. At that much of an overdose, especially with the concomitant liver failure, I do not think there is any way to accurately estimate how long the drug would stay in your system. The pills contain two ingredients: hydrocodone and acetaminophin... usually represented as Hydrocodone/APAP 5/325 or Hydrocodone/APAP 7.5/500 or Hydrocodone/APAP 10/500 depending on the amount of each. People read the 500 (or second number) as if it were referring to the hydrocodone. It is not. The first number is the mg dosage of hydrocdone. The second number is the mg dosage of APAP (Tylenol). Whoever posted the first answer was correct: that much hydrocodone WILL KILL YOU as well as that much Tylenol. *Also, I have never seen 1000mg of anything on a pain pill bottle. I think 725mg is the highest amount of acetaminophen in any formulation.

What is hydrocodone apap 5-500 tablmck used for?

I know this much for sure. The first number in there is the amount of codeine in the pill, maximum amount is 10, then goes to 7.5, 5. The second number depends on the name of the pill. Vicoden ,Hydrocodone, Perkeset, Darvacet, Lortab, all contain codeine ( or isomers of codeine ) as the main drug, the only thing that changes is the secondary drug. for example, the Hydrocodone 5-500 contains 5 mg. of codeine and 500 mg. of a generic brand of Tylenol. The Lortab 5-500 is the same only the Tylenol is brand name.

Is oxycodone IR and OxycodoneAPAP the same medications except one has acetaminophen?

one is percocet; the other is the generic of percocet 5mg/325mg acetaminophen. they have the same chemical make up of oxycodone(5mg) and tylenol/acetaminaphen (325mg). APAP is an abbreviation for acetaminophen

Can you take hydrocodone and Paxil together?

Yes, hydrocodone is essentially vicodin w/o the acetaminophen. Therefore it increases the dopamine levels in your brain producing a more euphoic and more enjoyable feeling than lexapro which acts on the seritonin in your brain. But as always there is risk of overdose so just don't do an extreme amount of either at once.

Can you feel hydrocodone 24 hours after taking 10mg of methadone?

Yes depends how much o.c tho

What is stronger hydrocodone apap 7.5-750 or oxycodone 10 mg-325 mg?

Everyone is different , but generally oxycodone is better.