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They can be. They are under the influence of a strong narcotic. People react differently to these.

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Q: Is someone on heroin dangerous to others?
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What is the difference between heroin and marijuana?

marijuana is just as dangerous as normal cigarettes, while Heroin is alot more dangerous and addictive

What is heroin trail?

heroin trail are dangerous. they are drugs, heroin trail causes diseases & and they are really bad for your health

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Can extasy be mixed with enough heroin to be addictive?

Ecstasy and heroin are both very dangerous and addictive drugs. Do not use them.

Treacherous persontreacherous person?

A treacherous person is someone who is dangerous and will betray others.

Why is it considered dangerous try does of heroin?

Because you can get addicted to it quickly

How many grams fifty of heroin?

Based on the average purity of heroin on the street (around 40-60% purity), 50 grams of heroin could potentially contain 20-30 grams of pure heroin. It's important to note that buying, selling, or possessing heroin is illegal and dangerous.

How does heroin effect the teenage life?

Heroin is a tremendously dangerous drug; those who become addicted to it will wind up sacrificing everything else for the drug. There is no creature on Earth more pathetic than a heroin addict.

Is it harmful to live in a room where someone that smokes heroin?


What are the reasons that some people would use methadone and others can only tolerate LAAM?

methadone is a substitute for heroin. it taakes away the cravings from heroin and u should not use methadone & heroin cuz depending on the mg of methadone your on the methadone blocks the heroin when you do it (heroin)..

What does it mean if you dream about heroin?

There are too many possibilities to suggest a meaningful interpretation. A dream of using heroin would be very different from a dream of buying or selling heroin or of watching someone else using heroin.

Will 2mg of suboxone block heroin?

Yes, even a small dose will block the high you normally get from heroin. Adding heroin to Suboxone can have a dangerous additive effect. Many people have died from trying to get high while on a replacement drug.