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No, it's not. It's an anti-psychotic and is sometimes also used as a sleeping medication while an SSRI is commonly used as an anti-depressant.

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14y ago

No, Abilify is an anti-psychotic originally use for schizophrenia and bi-polar disorder. Its pretty funny that there entire ad campaign reveolves around making SSRIs sound ineffective.

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Q: Is seroquel an ssri
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Seroquel and weed?

Depends on what you're taking the seroquel for.If you're taking the seroquel for psychosis or schizophrenia I would strongly disapprove as the weed will aggravate your psychosis and you could have a relapse.If you're taking it for bi-polar, anxiety or sleeping problems I don't see why not, although it may cause more problemsThe only drugs that interact with weed directly is SSRI anti-depressants.Hope this helps.

I have anxiety ADHD and depression and I believe my ADHD and depression are byproducts of my anxiety and I am taking an SSRI that does not help me at all Would Alprazolam be more effective?

You need to speak to your pyschiatrist. Maybe seroquel would help - it is fast acting. Therre are many SSRI's,so you may need to switch to another one that is effective.

Can you take Seroquel and Prozac 20 mg together?

Yes, in fact, Seroquel taken in the evening can help with the insomnia caused by Effexor.I have seen them prescribed together. As always one should check with their psychiatrist to make sure it is not contraindicated for them.

Can you combine Celexa and seroquel?

I suppose you can considering that I am currently doing. My Doctor would not have subcribed both if it was dangerous. Its probably because seroquel is an anti-psychotic and celexa is an anti-depressant, they treat two different problems.

Is lamactil an ssri?

Lamictal (lamotrigine) is not an SSRI. It is an anti-convulsant.

Give you a list of SSRI?

Is celexa a benzodiazepines?

no... celexa is an ssri antidepressant and no relation to benodiazepines

What schedule is seroquel in?

Seroquel is not a scheduled drug.

What does seroquel show up as in your system?


Can an SSRI cause ED?

Yes - it is a very common side effect of SSRI medication.

How long does it take for seroquel to begin working?

regular seroquel is about an hour and seroquel xr takes about 4hrs

If you have stopped taking seroquel 7months will have seroquel in your system?

No you will not.